Sins of the father

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Beth had made up her mind she'd rather die than be a hostage and Adrian was willing, not just willing but wanting to put his life on the line for her, Adrian was loyal and that was one of the many reasons Beth loved Adrian he understood loyalty the same way she did. Beth trusted Adrian too and she really did believe in the plan Adrian and her had planned before Beth left they laid out a whole plan on how to kill her father the plan seemed flawless.

"Once it's all over, I promise you Elizabeth you'll be resting in my arms tonight in a expensive hotel bed naked and fucked out of you mind." Adrian kissed her one last time before they parted ways.

Beth couldn't help but to smile at him, holding him tight just one more time.

"I'll hold you to that." She smirked.

She walked through the city almost to her apartment now it was almost 7 AM now she definitely knew the devils at least a couple of them were waiting for her in her apartment. When she came in the front door she saw her father sitting at her dinning room table waiting for her.

Beth closed the door looking a little surprised to see her dad. He seemed calm which freaked her out even more, but Beth knew she could trust Adrian. She walked to her kitchen casually grabbing a bottle of water.

"Care to tell me where you've been Elizabeth?" He asked.

"Oh father I'm getting intel for you." Beth looked at her father frowning.

"Really? You didn't inform me about this."

"I don't always tell you about my missions especially if I'm not sure it leads anywhere, I don't like wasting your time." Beth shrugged as she walked to the table taking a seat across from her father.

Her father stared at her for a long time, he pulled his phone out of his suit and turned the screen to her face Beth eyes open in horror. It was a photo of her and Adrian the other night in her apartment on the couch just before things got really intimate between them, they were kissing passionately, the photo seemed to of been taken from just outside her big open window. Beth glared at her father now.

"Well did you learn anything?" He asked coldly.

"Yeah I learned a lot." She tilted her head matter of factly.

Her dad snickered a little and then began wagging his finger at her.

"You see Elizabeth, I've realized something, you really underestimated me and how cruel I really am. Here's what's going to happen I'm already in the process of killing your little psycho "boyfriend" and his whole squad of people that are looking into me, but you know what else I'm going to do? I'm not going to erase your memory, I want you to remember how cruel I am and to live with the fact that I killed the only person you ever loved because you thought you could get away from me." He said with a shit eating grin on his face.

Beth really wanted to stab her father in the throat, slit his throat from ear to ear. But she didn't she only stared at him. She heard her door open and turned her head to see two of the devils, Eva and Ginger walk in.

"Your going to stay at home while I deal with Vigilante." He got up and laughing. "And then tomorrow your going to go on a new assignment for me understand?"

"Yes." She responded compliantly.

Beth felt a tear spring down her face as her father walked past her still laughing like the heartless bastard he was. Once she heard him go out the door she couldn't help but to smile a little to herself now, her dad really had no clue what was coming.

She waited for her time, looking at the digital clock on her oven it was almost time, less than fifteen minutes had passed by. Beth looked at her fellow devils Eva and Ginger.

"Don't you two want to live your lives free rather than following that piece of shit father of ours?" Beth asked seriously.

They both stood side by side at the front door not saying anything.

"You know I'm just gonna kill you both if you don't leave willing?" Beth stood up pulling back her hair in a tight bun her bangs following out.

They both got into a position to fight. Beth shook her head disappointed.

"I see you're both too far gone." Beth sighed.

She put in all of her strength, easily deflecting Eva who came at her first, Beth kicked her in the leg hard seeing her knee dislocate, Beth then kicked her in the ribs and she fell back onto the floor sliding into the kitchen. Beth dodged a swing coming from Ginger who was holding a big hunting knife, Beth avoided her attempts to stab her as she got Ginger to follow her down the hallway, Beth dodging a wide swing from Ginger, Beth took her chance grabbing her arm and slamming Gingers arm into the doorway breaking her arm and causing her to drop the knife. Beth knocked her fully into the bathroom now as the two fought hand to hand, Ginger jabbed Beth in the side with her elbow causing her to drop in pain, Ginger wrapped her forearm around Beth's neck choking her, Beth jerked up quickly throwing her weight back into Ginger causing her to hit the back of the tub cracking her head. Beth jumped up looking down at Ginger blood spilling out onto the floor, Beth felt pity for her, being loyal to her father for nothing what a sad way to spend your life she thought, Beth never wanted that to be her ever again.

When Beth entered back through the kitchen she expected to see Eva ready to fight again but Eva was just sitting on the floor of her kitchen laying against the cabinets with a bag of frozen peas on her head.

"I'm tired of fighting..." Eva shook her head sighing Beth off. "Just leave me, I'm done Beth, you're right.... You're right."

Beth nodded her head in understanding as she turned to the door walking out. She knew Eva wasn't going to warn her father Eva wanted out of the devils the same as her, clearly for her own reasons and Beth respected that. Beth didn't feel like she was killing her father for herself but for every single woman he's brainwashed into becoming a killing machine for his own personal gain. Beth was going to end it all today or die trying.

Beth found a car to hot wire as she made her way to Adrian using the tracking device he gave her, Beth could see exactly where her dad had taken him. It was an old warehouse he used from time to time, the perfect place Beth thought to herself, it was just like her and Adrian had planned. Her dad was never going to see this coming. Kant didn't understand who Beth was really loyal too.

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