The seductive spy

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Adrian laid there on top of Beth, he didn't mean for it to go this way. He really wanted to talk to her, but after following her around the last few days and seeing her, knowing she was alive he needed to touch her again and feel her. He didn't regret it at all, five years is a long time to go without the one person that understands you.

He finally sat up and pulled himself out of Beth he started to sit up and grabbing Beth with him as he laid back and pulled her into his chest, she grabbed a blanket that was draped on the back of the couch covering the two of them with it, Adrain leaned up a little kissing her forehead a few times, he just wanted the moment to stay like this, peaceful he knew it wouldn't last forever. Neither of them saying a word for what seemed like an eternity and Adrian was okay with that he needed this to last taking it all in. Her smell, how soft her skin feels as he traces little hearts on her back, how her finger tips feel tracing patterns on his chest, it made Adrian smile and feel grateful for this moment.

"How did you find me?" She asked breaking the silence after forty-five minutes.

"If I'm being honest it was a lucky guess." Adrian shrugged as Beth looked at him now with her eyebrows knitted together.

"A lucky guess?" She asked confused.

"Well you took my backpack with you that had all the files we wanted. But I knew you and my team knew that, I told the team I hadn't heard from you in five years though it was basically a dead end. The mission was nothing but a bust, after I saw you though I thought long and hard about where you might go. I remember how one night we were drinking and eating pizza in bed just talking and you said to me that your dream place to live would be France because it's so beautiful and could bring your mind some peace. Call it a gut feeling but I kept thinking I would find you here. So I came here alone. It took me a week, but I finally saw you and I watched you for a few days. A lot of people think the devils are under some mind control but after watching you I knew that you were still you. So I waited and when you saw me at the club, I knew I shouldn't wait anymore." Adrain finally took in a breath.

Beth sat up more on his chest looking at Adrian, her face was unreadable.

"Why did you come here?" She asked hesitantly.

Adrian didn't realize it but his arms tighten a little around Beth.

"You know why." Adrian looked at Beth sternly.

"You know I can't come back, we can't be together." Beth shaking her head as she pushed herself off of Adrian and grabbing her robe off the floor putting it back on.

Adrian sat up grabbing his boxers pulling them on and putting on his glasses as he followed Beth down the hallway to her room.

"We're together now what's the difference Elizabeth?" Adrian said.

Beth didn't look at Adrian as she shuffled through her dressers grabbing clothes out and getting dressed.

"The difference is I work for a group of super human assassins who go after high political figures all over the world for reasons unknown to me and we are suppose to be invisible and you are a fucking vigilante hero who wants justice in the world and peace." Beth said huffing as she turned around dressed in a oversized grey sweater and grey sweatpants now.
"Adrian I can't leave and you can't stop being you."

"Elizabeth I only want you, I came here for you I—" Beth cut him off.

"Adrian please stop okay, you still are the "good guy" that will always be a part of you, I can't take that from you. This was a great reunion but you need to leave now. Don't get wrapped up in all of this okay."

Adrian just stared at Beth, he didn't want to do this but she gave him no choice, plus he did lie to her about one thing.

"I'll leave but you're coming with me." He answered so firmly.

"Yeah?" Beth raised an eyebrow like she was squaring up to fight him.

"Yeah." Adrian nodded.

He kept his eyes on Beth, so she could never see Peacemaker coming behind her as he hit her hard on the head with a nightstick knocking her out cold. She smacked the marble floor hard. Adrain's jaw dropped.

"Dude? What the fuck?" Adrian yelled.

"Well damn it dude she's superhuman I couldn't do a love tap!" He shouted back.

"I mean I understand but god damn."

Adrian walked over to Beth grabbing her face, she seemed okay. He picked her up bridal style, he hated tricking her but it was the only way, he knew Beth she wouldn't of came on her own free will. Adrian knew she was trapped here in this life with the devils and he couldn't let her live like that. The plan was easy Adrian and Peacemaker would find her and bring her back one way or another and find out everything they could on the devils.

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