Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Battered Wife 

Helaine would be lying if she said looks don't matter. Because in reality, it does. And she has herself to prove it. 

Long hazel locks that sway lightly as she walks, full double rows of lashes, bluish-gray eyes, a high button nose, and a body to die for. These were the things she is praised for possessing. And the traits she wishes she didn't possess. 

April twentieth is the only green-marked date on Helaine's worn-out calendar. This was especially marked green for it served as her signal. Her signal to finally take that brief handshake while holding a particular paper. Her signal to step out of her usual zone. Her signal to spread her wings and be finally able to do what she wants. 

"With high honors, Bachelor of Fine arts, Helaine Biel Guevarra!" 

It echoed in her mind like a broken record as she hurriedly rides the local bus home. 

Her dress is noticeably old and outdated, and even her shoes were shining in two different colors. And she barely applied any makeup. However, she holds her chin high. Those are only some of the many little things she could bare. For now what matters most is this certificate of graduation, her family, and her future. 

Her future. Her future instantly broke the second she entered their small humble plywood layered home. 

"Ma! Dad! Finally, I can work and provide for-'' and the beaming ray of sunlight quickly disappears as soon as it comes. 

Instead of celebrating, they were all in tears and hugging each other in front of this old man whose hair color can be compared to paper. 

"What's the meaning of this?" She urges her family with a serious yet questioning look. 

Her mother composed herself and pulled her into a hug. Helaine on the other hand was still dumbfounded but was happy and hugged back. Tears of joy? She thought. 

"Oh come on Ma, we're supposed to be celebrating not happily crying," but it only made their tears worse. 

"H-Helaine. Ow my sweet beautiful flower," her mother said, caressing her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry to have you carry such a heavy burden," she continued but Helaine only shrugged. 

If her mother is talking about having to work part-time, taking care of her brothers, and not allowing herself to enjoy, then her mother is mistaken. It was a heavy burden to carry but it is her responsibility. 

"What? It's okay Ma. You don't have to worry. It was nothing. Look at me now, I'm finally going to have a proper job. So don't feel guilty, okay?" 

For the ninth time, she wiped the tears rolling off of her mother's face and faced the old man. She has no clue about the beforehand situation so she has to ask him. 

"Excuse me, Sir. What happened? Did you do something to my family?" 

The old man sneered and puffed another round of smoke, "Look here missy. I've given you enough time so you better pack your  bags." 

This made her eyebrows knot. "Excuse me? Just what the hell are you talking about?" 

She turned to her mother but she only sobbed more intensely. "Bullshit," the old man cursed. 

"You're my wife now. I bought you so quit the yapping and let's leave. Fuck, I'm gonna be late for my game." 

And just like that. Helaine's only hope of freedom vanished and she was once again locked in a dark cage. 

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