Chapter 15: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

But, she got scratched by that polar bear...

Why are you here?!

Because I love to watch others suffer until they make a deal with me!

Wait, I thought you were just a voice in my head?

Technically, I am. But I'm not your inner thoughts. I'm my own.. being...


Don't worry about me right now. Worry about "Ziz" as you call her.

Fine! I'd rather think about anything more than you!

Oh, don't say that! You know you love me!

Do I, though? No.

But you can't stop thinking about me!



Well, I wouldn't be thinking about you if you didn't keep talking to me!

Fine, don't talk to me like this, talk to me in person.

I then got teleported to a dark room with spinning purple portals everywhere. "Where am I?" I spoke.

"In my realm."

A skinny figure appeared in front of me. He had a weird cloth bag over his head, and a button over one eye. The other one had an orange ring around the black pupil with a tiny white question mark. He wore a deep purple suit and a pinkish purple undershirt.

"Your.. realm?" I asked.

"Yes." It bellowed.

"Who are you?"

"They call me The Iniquitous One, or TIO."

"Why am I here?"

"Because you are broken, and feel horrible for the thing you did to that officer."

My breath stopped, "W-what? How d-do you know that?"

"Haha, Pony. I know everything about everyone. I watch over everything from my realm."

"Really?" I stopped and thought. "Does that mean you know what happened to Ziz?"

"Of course I do. Like I said, I. Know. Everything." He inched closer as he spoke.

"Oh, can I know? I'm restless and feel hyper, but not in the good way.. I need to know if she's ok!"

"What do I get in return?"

"Excuse me?"

"I said, what do I get in return?"

"The joy of knowing you helped someone..?" I tried.

"Heh, you're cute. How about we make a deal.."

"A deal for what? Helping me find out what's going on with my girlfriend?"


"Well, what do you suggest?"

He stopped, then looked like he was deep in thought. His eyes lit up as he spoke, "Well, everyone you know and love will disappear. But, on the plus side, you'll get your 'Ziz' back."


He looked surprised. "Wow, you're smarter than you look. How about this, everyone BUT Zizzy will disappear."

"Heh, I'll get back to you about that. THAT MEANS EVERYONE WILL BE GONE, IDIOT."

He acted surprised, "How dare you call me idiot!" I saw his arm turn to some sort of goo for a second, then it returned to how it was before. I looked at him in confusion.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, it only matters when I'm mad."

"Oh, ok."

"Here, I'll let you think about the decision, then you get back to me about it. I can tell your friends are getting worried."

"Ok, but I bet you already-" I didn't get to finish before I got teleported back to the safe place.

"PONY! ARE YOU OK?" I heard Mimi yell while shaking my shoulder.

I grabbed her hand, "I'm fine, just... went to another place for a moment."

She slowed to a stop, "Oh, ok! Just wanted to make sure you're ok!"

"Yeah..." I said as I stared off into space.  No matter what that guy says, Ziz better be ok...


Hello everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I recently went through some hard times, so I didn't update this for a little bit! (I'm sorry about that!)

Have a great day/night/afternoon!!

-Soph :D

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