Chapter 12: Old "Friends"

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"Well... look who we found..."

"Willow." I muttered.

"Pony." She replied. She looked me up and down, then turned to Player. "Hah, fancy seeing you again!"

Player mumbled something under their breath, but I couldn't hear it. "Too scared to say anything?" Willow taunted.

"No, I'll never be afraid of a criminal," they responded.

Willow snickered, "That's what a scaredy-cat always says!"

Player took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. Willow turned again, and I gasped, "Willow, stop!"

Willow spun around to face me again, "And why should I?"

"Because I-" I couldn't form words all of the sudden.

"Hah, that's what I thought," Willow said as she turned back to Ziz. "Hello, there!"

Ziz spoke, "What are you doing?"

Willow acted offended, then she responded to Zizzy, "Wow, how rude! You didn't say hello back!"

"Because hello is for introducing, and I already know way to much about you and-" she pointed to the people behind Willow, "all of you."

"Well, I don't know you, though you do look like the girl in that one photo Pony had. Found that by the way, you left it at the factory.." Willow told Ziz.

I gasped, then I confronted her, "Well, go away, we don't need you here." I stopped then continued when Willow didn't speak, "And don't talk to my girlfriend that way."

Ziz blushed, "Pony..."

"Aww so sweet, but since she means so much to you, let's take her, guys." She motioned to the other members of the group.

"NO! I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT!" I shouted, pulling out my sword and aiming it at Willow.

"What damage can you do with a wooden sword?" Willow asked me.

"I-I can do more than just stand there like y-you are!"

"Pony," Ziz put her hand on my chest, preventing me from going after Willow, "I'll be fine, don't cause anymore trouble.. please."

I sighed as Willow spoke, "See, she gets it, now, you better cooperate, too."

"Of course, Ziz," I glared at Willow.

"Ziz? Is that your pet name for her? What's your real name? Zizasaurus?" Willow teased.

My face turned red, both out of anger and embarrassment. "My name is Zizzy Zebra, and I know all of you!" She pointed at each of them as they said their name, "Katie, Kitty, Pandy, Fillip, Baren, Tigry, and finally, Willow..."

"I have to say, I'm impressed, you're smarter than you look!"

Ziz growled, and pulled out her saber. "Thanks, but, to be honest, I could say the exact same of you!"

I didn't get it, we're they trying to be nice? Or were they joking around? "Uh, Ziz?"

She snapped her head around to look at me, "¿Qué?" (What?)

I was impressed, she'd picked up on some of the Spanish I'd taught her, "Tal vez deberíamos dejar esto en paz por ahora..." (Maybe we should just leave this alone for now...)

"¿Qué?" (What?)

I sighed, "Maybe we should just leave this alone for now..."

"Ok," Ziz turned to Willow, "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Fantastic! Tigry, make sure they don't follow us!" Willow demanded.

Tigry silently nodded, but I could see regret and sorrow in his eyes. 

"Pony, if I don't see you again, please know I love you, and I will forever.." Ziz told me.

"I love you, too, Ziz.. I always will..."

Ziz turned with Willow, as Willow motioned to Katie and Kitty to grab onto Ziz shoulders, preventing her from moving. "Ugh!" Ziz groaned when they latched on. 

"TSP, LET'S GO!" Willow called for them. With that, Baren, Fillip, and Pandy fled over to Willow and the rest of the group. "Back to the refinery!" 

They walked off, holding Ziz... My heart shattered, she was the only one I still had... The only one I had left to love.

"Pony.." Player said my name, and I spun around to face them as they continued, "Who were they? I mean, I recognized Willow, but why did they recognize you?"

I sighed, "It's a long story, but, they're TSP, AKA, The Silver Paw. When the infection first broke out, I needed someone to stay with, so I found them and that's where I stayed for a while. But, then, they made me do something horrible... So, I left, and I never looked back. I came to the Safe Place, and that's how everything is now."

"Wow..." Player was stunned, "What was the thing that forced you to leave?"

"It-" I couldn't tell him that I'd 'tried' to infect him... "It's a story for another time.. Right now, we need to focus on saving Ziz.."

"True.." Player paused, then spoke again, "Maybe we can just follow them and see where they go?" 

I slowly nodded, but then realization hit Player, "But, Willow sent Tigry to make sure we didn't follow them... DARN IT! Any ideas, Pony?"

"Hah, it's ok, I know how to convince Tigry to let us past. He and I have been friends since Kindergarten!" I told Player.

"Oh, well that makes things a lot easier!" 

"Yeah," I thought of what they could be doing to Ziz, "Well, we better go, we can't leave Ziz like that!"

"Yes, let's go!" Player spoke, then ran to catch up with the people who took away my girlfriend. 

I smiled, "Don't worry, Ziz... we're coming to save you..." I said in a whisper.


Hello, guys!!

I had a dance competition last weekend so I didn't get to focus much on this!

I'm also working on another story called "Out of this World" that I'm starting to write, so I'll update kinda slowly! (I apologize in advance)

Here's a little hint towards the next chapter:


Pretty straight forward, but I don't know what else to put LOL-

Have a great day/night/afternoon!

-Soph :D

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