Chapter 10: A Crazy Stranger...

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"Pony, wanna make a deal?" I heard someone say.

"What? Who are you? And where are you?"

"Don't worry about that, Pony. I know everything about you, so you can trust me..."

The figure revealed itself, a floating... I don't know what he was. He had a brown bag over his head, and a purple suit with a matching top hat. He was long and lanky, limbs for days! He also had a button over one eye, and the eye that was shown was glowing orange and black.

"What deal?" I asked it.

"How would you like for the infection to be over, Pony? I can tell you that bad things will happen to you in the near future, something with someone very close to you."


"Haha, you'll find out if you don't accept my offer.."

"What would you get?"

"Something.... something I want.."

"And what would that be?"

"You will see once you accept my offer."

"You're crazy, what even are you anyways?"

"Why thank you, it's what I do... Also, I am an inter dimensional being, one that started out as a quiet child... like someone you might know?"


"Heh heh, exactly, Pony."

"She'll never be like you, going around making deals and stuff!"

"But how can you be so sure?"


I paused, why had I screamed? I felt myself get hot, I had to stop communicating with this... inter dimensional being? I think that's what he said he was.

"She might not be yet..."


"Can you predict the future like I can, Pony?"

I closed my eyes, but I still saw him... the lanky body of what I'm convinced is really a demon laid before my eyes.

"No, but I know in the future I'll be smart, and there will be a cure!" I stated, then opened my eyes, "But for now, I'm leaving."

I looked around, desperately searching for an exit. I saw nothing but portals and darkness. "Why are you trying to leave, Pony? Are you gonna accept my offer?"

"No, I'm not, I'm leav-" I was cut off by jolting upright in my bed. "A dream?" I pondered, "No way that wasn't real."

I got out of bed, got dressed, and went upstairs to Zizzy's room. I had to tell her what happened.

I ran up the stairs, taking two per stride. Once I got upstairs, I quickly, but quietly, opened the door separating the rooms from the stairwell. I then quickly walked to Zizzy's room. I quietly knocked. We had our own secret pattern to knocking, which I used, dum-dum-duh-duh-dum-dum. I heard no response so I figured she was still in slumber.

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