"Whoa, whose that?"

"My brother." I smiled up at her.

"Hey." Tyler waved at us both.

We waved back and smiled.

"You have a brother and he's this hot." She half yelled and whispered.

"Heard that." Tyler winked at Maya. She turned red and squealed at the same time.

I got into the other front sit in the car. With the window still down Maya stood there staring at my brother with goggly eyes.

"I know what you are thinking how did Hailey here, get someone as good looking as me to be her brother." He said loudly for both Maya and I to hear.

"I was thinking the same thing." She said in a feigned tone.

I ruffled his hair laughing. "You wish you were me." I said.

Tyler snorted smacking my hand away from his hair while Maya shouted 'yeah right'

"Bye." I waved at her as Tyler drove off.

We drove back home talking and joking around like most times.

"You need to get a car. I can't be driving you forever." He stated.

"But you enjoy driving me." I said pouting.

"I never said that." He said as he turned the steering wheel to the left.

"Fine. Try telling mom that." I said.
"Or since you're her second favorite child. You could win her over for me."

"Not happening Hailey. You're just going to have to beg." He said.

I sighed. Reaching forward, I changed the radio station and one of my favorite songs so far 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars.

We drove for a few more minutes before arriving at home. I got out of the car and shut the door. Walking forward I noticed Tyler was still inside the car.

"Aren't you coming?" I said.

"Nope. Going out." He said the last part as he reversed out and drove away into the streets.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Tyler.

I got in and dumped my bag on the couch. Since my both parents work late most of the time, I say they are both still at work.

I walked into the kitchen directly to the freezer. Opening it, I got out some cookie dough ice cream- my favourite. I scooped out a lot of spoons into a bowl and walked back into the living room.

Dropping on the couch with the ice cream bowl in my arms, I grabbed the remote and scrolled through channels till I found something that fascinated me.

For the next 2 hours I watched re-runs of Dance Mums. My bowl got empty, I groaned suddenly lazy to stand up and get more.

"Hailey." A soft motherly voice called out.

I craned my neck to the back a bit to see Martha wiping her hands on her apron.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something if you want." She asked kindly.

"No, I'm okay." I smiled at her.

"Okay. But if you need anything just call my name sweetie."

"Sure will." I said and she chuckled a bit before leaving me.

I looked down once more at my bowl then sighed feeling a little bad about what I'm about to do.

"Martha." I called out.

"More ice cream, please." I said pouting for more effect.

She laughed at my face expression before taking the bowl off my laps.

"What flavor?"

"Cookie dough please." I replied batting my lashes a little.

She laughed and walked into the kitchen. She came back with a bowl filled with scoops of Ice cream. I thank her and continue watching what was showing on the television.

Some minutes later April came running down the stairs into the living room. I ignored her as usual. She snatched the bowl from my hands and then started rushing MY bowl of ice cream.

"Yum. My favorite, cookie dough flavor." She smiled wickedly at me before taking the TV remote and changing the channel.

The little brat.

I took my bowl and the remote back while glaring at her.

"Get your own bowl of ice cream and Tyler's room is free." I tell her before shooing her.

"This is so not over." She threatened walking away.

I mimicked her childishly then focused on the television.

I glanced down at the bowl and noticed it was nearly empty.



A/N: Another chapter.


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-peace out

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