Chapter 1

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Sadly, today is that day. That day I had hoped and prayed my parents will miraculously forget about us moving out of state. But that is hardly possible when my annoying seven year old sister has been blabbing about it since our dad came home from work about three weeks ago.

All of our stuff or rather a huge majority of them are already packed. Except the furnitures. Dad saying that's the best part of the promotion. "The best part is the house. It's already furnished and there's a maid and a cook....." And so on.

As for me on the other hand, I am obviously not excited about moving. I don't want to move, I have all my friends, family and life here. I did come up with the idea of living with my grandparents for a while at least till graduation is over but my parents are against the thought of me staying with them. My mom says her parents are bad influences on her children and they would destroy my tainted soul the more. There is some truth in that. Grandma laughed when mom made that comment while Gramps agreed.

Running down the stairs into the  empty living room I slip on one of my sister, April's toys.

"Ow!" I said still on the ground.

My brother, Tyler walks in. Once he spots me on the floor in a weird angle, he cracks up. April runs in with a fake smile on her face.

"So that's where I left you." She says, walking to her toy. She makes eye contact with me and picks it up before running out giggling.

With Tyler still laughing I glared at him. "Not my fault that you are blind." He raises his hands in surrender.

I stood up from the floor and said " I think she knows I'm the one who took her precious little doll."

"Off course she knows." He said. "You're the only one who hates it."

"Yeah becau-" I was trying to say before my mom's voice interrupted me.

"Okay let's go." She said pulling the both of us out the house.

We all got into the car and we greeted the uber driver before he reversed out of the place I used to call home.

The drive was only 20 minutes. Once we got inside the airport, something tugged on my skirt. I looked down and saw a red looking April dancing. I laughed at her facial expression.

"It's not funny I need to pee." She said breathing unevenly.

"Why didn't you pee at home?" I ask.

"Because I didn't want to pee then, please." She replied looking flushed.

"Come on." I said taking her hand in mine as we walked up to the nearest bathroom.

Once we were inside, April lets go of my hand and ran into one of the stalls. A beep came from my front pocket. I placed my hand into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone before taking it into my hand. I lightly pressed on the white circle button then using my fingers to slide from the left to right of the screen.

Tapping on the message app, I see an unread message from Rachael the best friend that I'm leaving behind.

Rachael: 'Are you in the airport?

I miss you already :(

Dallas asked about you what should I tell him?

And now you are leaving who is going to watch The Face with me.'

It says.

Me: ' Miss you too.

Tell him I'm not going to be around for a very long time.

We can always find a way through Skype and Face Time.'

I replied.

Dallas. He's cute brown hair and blue eyed boy who had been trying so hard to ask me out even though I made it clear I wasn't interested. The kid didn't give up for weeks and I felt sorry for him so I agreed to go on a date with him. It wasn't bad at all, we went to the movies and watched The Hunger Games. But it felt like I was watching a movie with my brother or cousin. He didn't stop there, he asked me out on a second date. I couldn't say no because he looked desperate and I felt pity for him. After the second date, he tried asking me to be his girlfriend but I avoid the matter with made up family issues and that I wasn't ready for a relationship. Which is true. Ever since then I avoided him like a flu, his calls, texts and visits. But the boy would not just let go.

She immediately replies saying,

Rachael: 'Jeez, you can be really mean when it comes to boys.

The poor kid actually likes you and you are breaking his heart.'

Me: 'You're making it seem like I'm a bad person.

I don't want a serious relationship.

Besides, I have no feelings for him."

I type in.

Rachael: 'I get where you are coming from but still, you shouldn't have given him that impression of him actually considering taking things to the next level with you.

Now let's forget all about pretty boy and think about how I'll be able to see and talk to you when you are finally gone.'

She replies and I chuckled out loud after reading it.

Me: 'Skype, Face Time, Text messages and all other apps Rach.'

I reply.

Rachael: 'Yeah but talking and looking at you in person is better than using a box.'

She replied immediately.

Me: 'It is not a box Rachael it's called a computer.'

I replied.

Rachael: 'Whatever but you get what I mean'  She answers.

This goes on for another ten minutes before I realized that I came in here with my sister.

Telling Rachael I'll talk to her once my plane lands, I place my phone back into my pocket before walking up to the stall April ran into.

"April are you done?" I asked knocking on the door.

I got no reply so I opened the door to find it empty. I checked the other stalls to find them empty also. I panicked immediately and ran out of the bathroom door.

Searching for April was the only thing that was on my mind.

'Did someone take her?'

'Did she run out?'

'Or is she messing with me?'

'And mum is going to murder me'

Wait is it possible for an eight year old to walk pass you without you noticing. Off course it's not.

Pushing my way through the crowd of people wandering around, I kept my eyes open for a little girl with a brown ponytail and a pink bow.

I walked to the end of the room and bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said looking up till I met a pair of very familiar eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I gulped loudly.


A/N: Chapter two coming up very soon! Just editing.

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