Chapter 4

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A picture of the attractive Jack Harries who is played as Chris Simmons:

A picture of the attractive Jack Harries who is played as Chris Simmons:

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Standing up from my bed, I walk out of my room and shut the door. Tyler's room was opposite mine so I barged in without knocking. His room was about the same size as mine. TV, bed, bathroom, walk-in-closet, guitar and everything else he owns was already inside. There were a lots of boxes everywhere the couch, bed, table and the tile floor.

He was sprawled on his bed with his phone pressed to his ears. I walk up to the foot of the bed and stood there with my both arms folded. He looked down a bit and saw me. With an eye-roll, he shooed me with his arms and turned away.

"Tyler." I said trying to get his attention.


"TYLER!" I screamed.

"I'll call you back later." He told whosoever on the phone and sat up.

"What do you want?" He asked a harshly.

"Mother said we should go to the grocery store and get some stuff." I told him.

"Now?" He asked back and I nodded in return. He stood up and eyed the keys in my hand before stretching his hands out.

"Keys." He demanded.

"Nope am driving." I said smiling.

"You can't drive." He said.

"Yes I can. I passed my drivers test and I have a legal license." I said proudly.

"I still wonder how you passed that test but all I'm sure of is that mom will never give you the keys of her car to drive again." He said smugly.

"I told you already it was an accident, I didn't see trash can on the road." I groaned. Why wouldn't they let I go?

"Keep telling yourself that. Now the keys." He said. I reluctantly handed him the keys and walked out the door.

We got to the store and parked the car. Once we got in, I immediately  picked out a shopping cart and we started searching for food.

First thing to look for cereal. Lucky Charms. Eyeing the section where the cereals are kept, I scanned for a specific one.

Coco pops. No.

Fruit n fibre. No.

Rice- Not even close.

Corn- Never.

Lucky Charms. Perfect. I grabbed out three boxes from the shelf. Turning my body, my hands came in contact with something hard which makes me drop the three boxes of Lucky Charms on the ground.

"I'm sorry." The stranger and I say in unison. I squatted down to pick the cereal up but the stranger beats me to it.

"Here you go." The person said handing them over. I took them from his hands and placed it in the cart.
I looked up to discover who I bumped to. And was shocked to see the last person I expected.

"Chris!" I said happily. "What are you doing here?" I mentally slapped myself. Why would someone come to a grocery store? To obviously buy items and food.

"Oh, I'm not Chris." He said with an annoyed expression.

"Then I'm Beyonce." I said with sarcasm.

"No I am not." He replied sounding displeased.

Dude chill out with the mood swing. "Oh well, if you are not Chris and I am Beyonce, who the heck are you?" I asked.

"I'm Chase his other half." He said looking bored.

"Oh, sorry then. My bad." He never really specified he had a twin. Just three brothers. It's none of my business and I don't really know Chris? So I don't expect him to spill out his whole life story or family history.

"And how do you know my brother?"he asks.

"That's not your business." I retorted.

"Are you dating him?" He questions.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Why do you care?" I reply.

"I don't care. And if your not maybe you and I can hook up." He takes a step forward with a flirty smile on his face. But I stood still and gave him a flirty smile of my own which startled him a bit.

"Now why would I do that?" I asks teasing him.

"Because I am hot and I know you want me." He smiles smugly moving closer till our chest were almost touching.

"Oh you are an eye candy but I never said anything about wanting you." I innocently replied back.

"That's what they all say." He said looking proud about others (girls in particular) expressing that he's quite a sight to look at.

"Really?" I said acting stunned.

"Yeah." He smirked. Airhead, it was clear I was faking being shocked.

"And if you accept my invitation, I might just give you another chance with me for free." Jeez, couldn't his ego get any bigger. I know his type, they act all arrogant and cocky and try to get in your pants. When they succeed your left heartbroken. But I'm not stupid enough like those girls.
He is a man whore.

Taking him by surprise, I moved back and went to my cart. "We'll Chris I'm not like other girls, so you can kiss your lame invitation good bye." And with that I turned my cart and went to look for my brother.

When we were done the cart was full with food stuffs and other minor things. We paid and got into the car with the bags then drove straight home. By the time we got home it was already evening. We carried all the bags and went through the back door to the kitchen.

"Oh thank you for getting the food. Your mother insisted I help unpack instead of buying the grocery." A middle-aged woman said happily and she immediately started arranging and unpacking the food stuffs.

Tyler and I looked at her in confusion and plastered our faces with fake smiles. Who is she? As if she read our minds she said.

"I'm Martha, your new maid slash cook slash nanny." She said smiling warmly. At that moment, I knew we will become very close.

"Hello Martha, I'm Hailey and this is my brother Tyler. We also have a little sister April, I don't know if you've met her yet." I say.

"Oh I have and she's quite....." She said looking for the right word.

"Annoying." I suggested.

"Weird." Tyler suggested.

"Mischievous." Martha found the perfect word.

"Yes." Tyler and I said unison. While Martha laughed.

"You kids should unpack what you can now while I make dinner. And don't forget to shower." She said driving us out of the kitchen.


A/N: Okay this is chapter four. Don't forget to tell me what you think.


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