💎 Chapter 3 💎

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Ukyo was kind, Karina learned over the course of her first month at the Sunrise Residence. Much like everything about him, even his kindness was tough. He was not as soft as Masaomi or Louis when he spoke to her but he was helpful and always seemed to notice if something was amiss – he had that intuitive eye of a mother in that regard. Karina was grateful for him.

The first time that Karina witnessed this was when she woke up early to find Ukyo musing over what colour utensils that he should get for two new additions in their family. Karina felt flattered that he had thought of it – something so simple yet so welcoming for the two girls.

"I picked out colours that appeared to suit you, if that is alright," Ukyo said as Karina joined him in the kitchen. "For you, I picked a light blue colour, and for Ema, light pink,"

"These are wonderful, thank you so much, Ukyo-San," Karina said as she looked up at him. She smiled. "... it feels nice now... it feels like belonging somewhere,"

"Of course, you belong with us now," Ukyo replied, speaking as if it was something very simple. "I found that blue colour to match your eyes, it felt right to get it,"

Karina felt embarrassed a little but did not say anything, grateful for what he had done.

But it seemed like Ukyo felt something positive regarding her sudden presence in the house as well.

In regards to that, Karina first witnessed that side when she was home around the afternoon and decided that she would go upstairs to help Ukyo out with making lunch. She had caught him still in his formal red shirt as he unloaded the groceries into the kitchen.

"Welcome back, Ukyo-San," Karina greeted him in the kitchen as she arrived in the kitchen. She looked up at the tall blond when he did not respond to her.

Rather, Ukyo was standing still as he turned his head to look toward her with almost a look of astonishment. He seemed genuinely taken aback at her words, which concerned her.

"Ukyo-San?" Karina inquired tentatively. "Did I... say something wrong? What happened?"

"Oh, no, pardon me," Ukyo replied, grabbing a hold of himself and looking away. "It's been such a long time since anyone has said 'welcome back' to me," He smiled. "It was nice to hear,"

"... in that case, I shall do my best in greeting you," Karina said and Ukyo glanced back at her.

It was like that between the two of them as Karina always got up early to work on breakfast, and she would often start prepping before Ukyo arrived upstairs. They had also learned to greet each other well, and it was rather comforting to hear his warm but firm voice greet her in the mornings.

"Good morning," Ukyo said as he watched the young girl arrive into the kitchen, tying her blue apron around her waist as she did so.

"Ukyo-San, good morning," Karina replied with a smile. "Although I thought that the kitchen was empty, you were already here... it is quite early,"

"It's always been, something like this," Ukyo admitted before looking at her closely with his sky-blue eyes. "Speaking of which, aren't you in the kitchen quicker than usual today?"

"I happened to wake up early, I suppose," Karina agreed. "I did not realise it was so early until I came upstairs and noticed the time..." She played with her fingers.

"Is that so...?" Ukyo mused. "Well then, since we have time today, shall I teach you how to make the soup stock that we were talking about previously?"

"Ah, that would be wonderful," Karina said, perking up at the idea of that. "Please, teach me everything that you know – I would love to see,"

"You seem rather excited," Ukyo noted, glancing at how bright her blue eyes were that he remembered his promise. "In that case, let's get started immediately,"

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