Chapter Eight

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Stiles walked into the Sherif's station the following morning slowly

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Stiles walked into the Sherif's station the following morning slowly. The officers who worked with his father greeted him and gave him their condolences. He gave them small smiles before meeting up with their team.

The team was focused packing up and getting ready to leave the office they didn't even realize Stiles had walked in. He set his bag down looking at the group of men and women. "I was out for two days and you guys caught the serial killer, how did that happen?"

Rossi was the first to look up as the others followed right behind them. They stopped what they were doing and each individually embraced him. "Hey kid, how are you doing?"

"Getting really tired of being asked that question."

"It'll get better."

"I know. Time, blah, blah, blah. I'll focus on everything with, you know, after I hear what happened with the Unsub."

Derek laughed lightly knowing that's how Stiles has always been. Stiles has always been the one to push aside serious moments and focus more on the little things first. No matter how much more important the topic was he would still neglect it until he had to.

JJ sighed, "we did exactly as planned. The press conference forced him to make a move allowing us to identify him quickly."

Emily jumped in on the explanation next, "he profiled him in his late thirties and early forties around six foot and used his behavior to cut him down to a smaller size."

"After that he killed one more victim but he left one very important thing behind."


The crime fighters nodded, "we were able to ID him. It turns out Mason Erheart, our Unsub, was abused as a kid and no police took the kid seriously even after he spoke out. Ten years ago he lost his girlfriend to a hit and run accident in which the police couldn't do anything in Maryland. It started the uproar in crimes causing him to spiral out of control," Rossi explained.

"In that time he gathered reflected on the abuse of his father and started using the tools he used to beat him with. His father always marked him with what he uses as a calling card as punishment for his behavior towards him," Derek elaborated.

Stiles looks between them all slightly confuzzled. "Why keep killing after all these years?"

"After losing his job, after his mother passed, his next girlfriend leaving him and so forth he kept on getting more aggressive. There was always more than one trigger."

"And what about Beacon Hills? What was the trigger for that?"

Hotch took the lead in explaining, "four weeks ago he got the news of his father. He had died of an overdose. Erheart was settling down here in Beacon Hills when he got the news."

"What happened to him?"

"We cornered him in a house not far from here. He attempted to kill another women shortly after the press conference. He wasn't cooperative and ended out in gunfire."

"Suicide by cop?" Once again, they nodded. "Wow, okay, I didn't see that coming." Something stirred in Stiles a feeling. He knew he had to talk to them but he didn't have a clue as to how. He was left feeling overwhelmed by the presence of everyone who stared at him waiting for more of a response. Standing in the middle of the room everything began to blur. He began to think back to the graveyard. A question popped into his head. "Why me?" He questioned out loud.

"Kid, what happened wasn't your faul-"

He shook his head violently looking at the crowd. "No, no that's not why I meant." They all looked at him each carrying different curious expressions. "Foyet, he shifted his focus, why?"

"Stiles maybe we shouldn't talk about this now," Hotch said.

"Then when!"A pregnant silence filled the air as all eyes remained on him. "Sorry for yelling but he's been ten steps ahead of us for how long? He has a plan and we don't know what it is."

Emily cocks her head to the side and sighs, "alright, I'll bite. What are you thinking?"

"For as long as we have known about him we knew his focus was on Aaron. We always figured he was watching us, following us. But all of a sudden he came after me, why?"

Everyone was thinking of a response and it only made him more agitated. The quiet room with occasional officers walking by bugged him. It got under his skin that nobody has said anything yet.

Hotch's head titled back. Stiles took his action and behavior as he had an idea. "What?"

"He knows."
"He knows what?"

"When Foyet got to me he didn't just take Hayley's maiden name out of my book. He took something else."

Stiles searches his mind for the answer thinking of the endless possibilities. When the one line Foyet said to him hits him, the parodical son returns. He closes his eyes and looks at the ground.

"We're either of you going to tell me or was it going to stay a secret until one of us died?"

Emily gaps at him and his harsh tone. "Hotch, what is he talking about?"

Reid recites the information Stiles had given to him quietly but aloud for everyone to here. That when the lightbulb in his head sparks. "You're his father?"

"Let me guess, you had his birth name and address written down in the 'M' portion of your address book?" Derek turns around licking his lip in disbelief.

Rossi doesn't make a peep, instead he just watches the conversation unravel. Stiles figured he knew by his silence and unsurprised face.

"When I was in high school, before I met Hayley I had a girlfriend. She got pregnant and moved away. When he was born she didn't want any contact with me but she sent me a name and picture. It wasn't until years later I was able to find her."

"And then?"

He sighed, "she died a couple months later. Her parents refused to take care of you so you went into the foster system for a few months until Noah and Claudia adopted you. It took me ten years to find you. I told Noah to keep it a secret and he respected that but kept me updated a few times a year."

"All this time you knew and you didn't think to tell me?"



"Stiles," Rossi cut in, "if you knew he was your father how would you feel knowing what this job does to people like us?"

He looked down at the ground, "it still would have been better knowing the truth."

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