Chapter Five

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The team traveled separatedly making their way to the home of Melissa McCall and Chris Argent

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The team traveled separatedly making their way to the home of Melissa McCall and Chris Argent. Still to their surprise after seven years neither have decided to get hitched and finally be married.

A knock at the door made Chris stand up. Opening the door he was relieved to see the BAU standing in front of him. Stiles standing in the front smirked and gave give little jazz hands. He chuckled and invited them in.

Scott rose from his seat and backed up, "why are you here?"

Noah carrying the little girl said, "Melissa invited all of us." He let the little girl down to which she ran right into Melissa's arms. The team gave the couple hugs and eventually they all sat down in weird places between the dining room and living room for dinner. Raven was constantly running around trying to talk to the pack but they just started at her in confusion questioning who she belonged to.

"Getting any closer to closing the case?" Chris questions.

"Chris!" Scott exclaims, "why are you talking to them."

"Because they're friends, practically family. You may have kicked him out of the pack but that didn't stop us from talking or seeing him in DC."

Scott's eyes widened in shock, "you went to go see him?" His eyes moved to Stiles who remained unbothered by his sudden outlash. "You were supposed to stay out of Beacon Hills."

"That raises a great question, why?" He remained silent as did everyone else. "They asked to come so I allowed it. Just a couple trips back and forth using the jet we use and they come over a couple of times each year."


Derek chuckles, "that's a stupid question," he mumbles.

"You, everyone in the pack, we may not be friends anymore. But these three," he motions to Noah, Melissa and Chris, "they never stopped being my family."

"You left willingly. You could have tried to stay."

"No you made me. Honestly, I have to thank you for that. I'm a BAU agent-"

"A professor in psychology."
"A great friend."
"A best little sibling."
"A great babysitter."

"And the best damn husband in the world," Lizzy concluded.

The pack looked at her warily before tuning in on Stiles. He bobbed his head to the side a couple times before shrugging. "And those things."

Lydia's mouth gapped open. "You're married?"

"Five years," they said holding up their wedding bands.

"But we've been together for six and a half."
"Remember how we met?"
"Oh god, please don't remind me."

Stiles groaned quietly. The team chuckled but stopped abruptly as Lizzy gave a short version of the story, "walking down a street in Quantico, I was walking with my computer and you were running with a coffee trying to get as fast as you could trying to get to the academy. Then, boom! Your clumsy ass ran right into me. I had to get a new computer."

Cold Truths || S. StilinskiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin