Chapter Three

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The jet was in the air heading to Beacon Hills

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The jet was in the air heading to Beacon Hills. Stiles' mind wandered as he laid back in his seat. He fiddled with his wedding ring staring out the window. He couldn't think right after everything that happened. He couldn't think right knowing the pack might fuck something up. He couldn't think right thinking that the pack might ruin his well deserved happiness.

JJ nudged him with her shoulder. He looked at her confused shortly realizing everyone was looking at him.

"You okay, kid?" Derek asked.

He thought for a moment contemplating what to say. "Yes" he was okay being with his new family and getting to see his father again, "no" the pack will probably try to kill him once he steps foot in Beacon Hills.

"As good as can be, I guess."

They knew everything. They knew about the supernatural, they knew bout his ex girlfriend, they knew about the pack, they knew what he did.

"They can't touch you, you know. They can't hurt you." He took in Hotch's words carefully. He considered the endless possibilities.

Rossi decided to give him some words of wisdom, "Stiles, listen, you're a professor at the academy, a high ranking FBI agent, a husband and father. You're successful and promising. Whatever they saw in you to kick you out like that, they don't know the real you."

"Statistically, there is a probability of 1 in 14,705 that you would die. Especially from them," Reid said.

Stiles chuckled, "maybe, but that's not what I'm most worried about."

"Then what is it?"

He sighed, "I created a life for myself I just don't want them to fuck that up."

Rossi shook his head with a smile. "Kid, look at you then and look at you now. Not only are you physically stronger but you're also mentally stronger. You work at the BAU catching serial killers for a living. If you can fight your way around them you can fight your way around these people you once called friends."

A little high pitch click caught his attention, "Rossi is right, Batman, you got this!"

He chuckled again, "thank you, sweets."

"Anything for you, my little Batman."
"Hey, I am not little."
"Sure, sure, whatever you say."

The crew broke out into little laughter. After a moment things went silent. The seatbelt light went on making everyone sit back into their seats. The Jet landed smoothly.

Outside the hanger a Sherif's can and an old rusted jeep are parked beside three federally issued SUVs. Two people lean against the Sherif's car with smiles forming on their faces.

Stiles pulls his dad into a tight hug. "Dad."

"Stiles. I figured when you came here you'd want to drive her."

He tossed him the keys. Furrowing his brows in confusion it dawns on him. He jumps up and down crazily before settling down and hugging the car. "Oh Roscoe, how much I missed you." Everyone laughs at his jump of joy. He turns around seeing the deputy beside his father wearing black sunglasses. "Parrish."

"Stiles." He smiles before engulfing him in a short embrace. "Scott's a dick, I hope you know that."

"I think I figured that out seven years ago." He smiles kindly.

Hotch turns to the others, "Reid, Prentiss go to the victims houses. Morgan, Dave go to the crime scenes. JJ, Stilinski and I will head back to the station. Regroup in an hour." They all nodded separating into different vehicles.

Stiles hops into his jeep with JJ riding shotgun. Hotch follows him in one of the SUVs as Stiles follows his father onto a cement road. The other two cars diverse and head their separate ways.

They arrived at the station compiling the evidence they had and separated it onto different boards. Aaron got JJ to communicate with the officers and get ready for a statement when needed. Stiles reread the files to make sure he understood everything.

When everyone came back Aaron instructed Stiles to go to the ME and see what he could find. Afterwards, around thirty minutes later, he returned to see a group of men and women around his colleagues.

He held his breath. He decided to cut straight to the point walking further into the room. "Like we spoke about the eyes of the victims were taped shut repeatedly, they were mutilated after being sexually assaulted."

"Anything else?"

"ME made a guess that the wire used to kill the victims was something like fishing wire."

"What the hell is he doing here!" A man with shaggy brown hair exclaimed loudly. The team looked to him unimpressed with his behavior.

"Sherif Stilinski called the BAU so he got the BAU."

"Scott, calm down," a red haired girl said to him gripping his arm.

Stiles shook his head in disbelief. Emily turned to him gesturing to the group of people, "Stiles, meet the guys that found the bodies."

Skeptically he looked at the people. He identified them as Scott, Lydia, Theo, Liam, Kira and Malia. He questioned when Emily said "bodies" plural. He knew that if his assumptions were right then Lydia was the one who found the bodies. Banshees.

He internally rolled his eyes. "Look, hate me all you want, I don't care. I'm here to catch a serial killer so people can rest easy at night. If you have a problem with that the officers here will have no problem throwing you out. I'm here. To. Stay. So what's it going to be?"

They remained silent as Scott pouted in defeat. He threw his hands up walking into one of the interrogation rooms. The others followed him and took their seats in the line of chairs laid out.

Emily turned to Stiles with a smile slapped on her face, "paging Agent Stilinski." The other chuckled then resumed their work. JJ and Emily interviewed each of the pack members one by one.

Stiles grabs the door opening it. Hotchner grabs Stiles before he enters the interrogations, he whispers, "I took the liberty in inviting someone else on this case." He looked at him puzzled. Hotch gestures towards the door where a tall, physically fit, black hair, green eyed walked in.

"You've got to be kidding me," he says bewildered.

Scott smiles almost triumphantly as if you believe he was there to back them up. Derek Hale keeps a straight emotionless face as does Stiles until their inches apart. Within moments Stiles breaks out in laughter and pulls him into a hug. Scott stares baffled at their closeness. He looks between the two holding back his anger.

"I thought you were still back in Virginia?" Stiles asks backing away.

"I've been traveling a bit. I wasn't far out of Beacon Hills when Aaron gave me a call."

"Glad you're here man. On second thought I'm not going to be going in on this talk," he said looking at the pack, "let me show you where we're at so far."

The two walked back into main room where they had set up. Derek looked at the boards taking in each detail.

He sighs, "so do you want the good news or bad news first."

Stiles runs a hand over his beard, "hit me."

"The good news, it's not supernatural."

He pauses for a second letting Stiles prepare, "and the bad news?"

"I know who it is."

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