Beef Jerky Pt. 1

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Danny's POV

As I am gorging on fruits that taste like everything from salted chocolate to cheesecake, mid-bite on a banana shaped fruit that tastes like vanilla pudding, the lights gradually brighten, a nice feature I wish was employed more on Earth. I see Mr. Bronze enter and walk over to his desk like furniture and set his stuff down.

I grab some fruits and hide in the little hut watching as he pulls up a holographic screen from a black band on his wrist opening what seems to be a map, like the GPS we have but more simplified. Four different colored dots blink on top of the circle that must represent this building and our chips.. He presses a button and the screen disappears.

He hands me a towel which I hesitantly grab and clutch to my chest. He goes off in search, finding Seline in the clothes rack putting some on, she doesn't notice as she throws on a shirt. Afterwards he scoops her up and puts her in the enclosure.

He scoops me up and puts me down in front of the clothes rack, gesturing towards it. I hesitantly grab a set of undergarments and a one piece outfit looking back at him in question. It would be so much easier if we could communicate to one another with more than guessing at gestures, maybe then I wouldn't be so scared of getting punished.

I grab the articles of clothing off the hangers hugging them to my chest. Uncomfortable being naked and self conscious of my body, I am happy he is giving me clothes to wear. I also feel safer; nudity means pain and humiliation. I walk towards my enclosure knowing that's where he will put me and not wanting to be carried anymore.

He obliges by just picking me up and placing me over the wall. I wander off to put on the clothes behind the curtain. I hear struggling and the sound of skin hitting skin and I hear Dean shout out "Put me down beast! I will not let you do this!"

I peak out to see Dean being pinned and carried by Mr. Bronze who has a darker splotch on his face, presumably where Dean struck him. I watch as he grabs some sweats, a shirt, and sweatshirt and throws them on, his eyes never leaving our captor. When Mr. B reaches out to pick him up, the surprisingly agile elder sprints towards the doors only to be caught by a feminine silver toned Metallic.

They converse and get clothes for our other companion. Done dressing, I go back to my hut and bite into a vegetable that strangely tastes like cheese. I put it next to the fruits that tastes like yogurt and cream cheese. I hear a sharp inhale from the silver one and her attention is suddenly on me.

Mr. Bronze heads out to a small door in the back of the shop which opens to reveal a yard. Ms. Silver comes inside our enclosureand approaches my redheaded cage-mate. She dodges the hands of the giant who reaches out for her, sprinting to the other side of the cage and trying to run up the higher walls, unable to reach the ledge this time. 

Ms. Silver turns toward me and I shake my head. She approaches me and grabs me before I can run. She scoops me up and carries me out the door and towards Mr. Bronze who holds his arms out to accept me. I am set down on the grass in a shady spot beneath a purple weeping willow tree.

The alien gets my attention by snapping at me which is irritating but efficient. He smiles and points to himself, "Boo," he says then points at me and says "Moose."

I shake my head, point to him "Boo," and to myself "Danny." This leads to his shaking his head pointing at me and repeating 'Moose.' "No. I'm Danny, Boo."

He points at me and repeats "Moose."

"Fine, call me Moose all you want, but my name is Danny and I'm no Moose. If anything, with your size, you're a Moose."

He points to himself and waits. "Boo." I grudgingly grit out and he points back at me. "Danny you Moose." He shakes his head and repeats 'Moose' to me.

This goes on for a while but Boo never relents, correcting me on my name until I give in and repeat the name he has given me. I am not a fucking Moose. I've been called many things, but never a moose, though with any luck moose means something different in their language.

He smiles and holds out a small piece of meat jerky. I eye it warily but reach out and nibble on it savoring the natural meat flavor. The vegetables are good, but taste more like those fake vegan meats my mother bought. Sometimes she would give me a couple pieces on my birthday, but only if I got enough good reviews from customers.

I smile and chew blissfully at the meat I have only had at the Johnson's. They were my only reprieve. Mr. J would buy me for the weekend and let me rest and recover feeding me the most delicious foods. If it wasn't for him I would be broken, wasting away under my parents cruelty. He showed me there was more to life than pain. He was the reason I escaped, calling my parents over for morning coffee and letting me slip away.

I couldn't before my 18th birthday because of the risk of being caught and returned by police. The town I lived in, the police knew me and would return me to my parents where the punishments would begin. I attempted twice before I gave up until  I reached adulthood and the police couldn't return me to them.

I realize I will never see Mr. Johnson again and tears slip down my face. I will never see his son, Yussef, nor taste Mrs. Johnson's cooking again. I will never walk the train behind his house listening to the birds. I will never throw bread to the ducks in his pond. I will never kiss Amy, his daughter, on the lips again.

I am brought back to the present as Boo wipes the wet tears from my cheeks and pulls me on his lap rocking me. I relinquish myself to the comfort the large alien gives me and sob into his chest. I cry for my loss of my love, Amy. I cry for my loss of my friend, Yussef. I cry for the loss of the best baker I know. I cry for the loss of the man who saved me. I cry for the loss of my chosen family.

I cry out the pain of my past. I cry out the pain of the clients as they use me. I cry out the pain of when they abused me. I cry out the pain of their names and humiliation. I cry for the death of Danny. I smile for the beginning of Moose. Who knew, it would be beef jerky that made me truly accept my new life.


Kiwi's POV

I decided to upload this chapter in two parts so you don't have to wait any longer. Part Two will be in Jubileena's POV so look forward to her perspective on things!

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