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Danny's POV

I awake to my mother screaming downstairs for me. I sigh and stand up from the mattress on the floor of my corner of the attic. I throw on my raggedy gown over my slip and head down. Mother is waiting with her foot tapping and birch in her hand, ready to give me a lash for every year I have been a burden on them, or so they say every year.

She leads me by my hair to the bench in the living room, pulls off my garments and starts to lay the birch into my thighs. Eighteen strokes later, with blood dripping down my thighs, Mother deems me penant enough to start my daily chores. I run to the attic to retrieve my few items and sneak out the front door.

I make it a to a homeless shelter where they gave me warm clothes and a small meal. I savor every bite, my first meal in three days. Mother and Father only fed me a meal of bread and broth twice a week. The workers said it is beef stew and crackers. I am given a granola bar and sent on my way, unfortunately they have no beds open and they reserve them for children and elderly. I know I don't deserve it anyway.

I find a bench under a bridge and hide under my blanket. I pull out Mr. Pickles, my stuffed bear, my one comfort item. I cuddle him and after some time exhaustion takes over and I drift to sleep plagued by nightmares of my Mother's birch, my Father's belt, and the clients who paid to beat me.


Draboo's POV

I wander the streets of this large kitrona (human) colony looking for strays and abandoned kitronas. On this night I had already found an older male with graying hair and wrinkled skin. He probably won't be adopted but he will have a better life at my shelter than out in the streets of his colony that doesn't value him.

I barely notice the shivering ball in the dim light under the bridge. I approach quietly as to not startle the creature and gasp as I see such a young kit whimpering and crying in her sleep clutching tightly to her stuffed bear. What could have happened to such a fragile cute kitrona to make her this way.

I spray her face with a mist that penetrates her skin and applies a mild sedative so I can move her to the ship without her panicked. I gently scoop her up and carry the fragile being to my shuttle and put her in a padded kennel across from the male I found earlier.

I leave with a heavy heart to find two more kitronas in need of rescue thus reaching my quota of the month.


Danny's POV

I wake up in a padded room with enough space to stand and walk a couple feet. I can lie down curled up on one end. If I had to guess the space was about 5ft wide, 3ft long, and 6ft tall. A clear plastic with some air holes is on the other end. Crawling over to it I peer around and see two men in identical cells across from me, one in front and one next to it.

"Hello." I call out.

"Hi." "Hello." "Sup." Three voices call out to me. I guess there's a cage next to me as well.

The man across from me is an elder with gray hair, wrinkled skin, and tired sunken eyes that peer at me sadly. The other is a man who looks to be in his 30s. A feminine voice comes from my left.

"Where are we?'

"It appears that we have been captured by a rather large humanoid being." The younger man replies nodding towards the front. I look over and see a large human looking beast, easily 4 times larger than us with shimmering metallic skin, long white hair, and black eyes with white pupils studying a holographic screen with symbols I have never seen before every so often looking up at us.

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