A look of guilt crossing Tanjiro's face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked Kyo." He turned his gaze downwards only to blinked in surprise as fingers gently grasped his chin lifting his gaze connecting with the worried golden red eyes.

"I'm not angry at you Tanjiro, just pleased that you care about my well being." Kyo smiled down at him letting go of the boy's chin.

The demon moved to stand. Tanjiro moved back just a bit allowing the demon to stand with ease.

Kyo held his hand out, smiling Tanjiro took the demon's hand in his own. "Let's eat breakfast before it gets cold, we have some chores to do." Tanjiro said.

Nodding Kyo helping Tanjiro set up the table for breakfast, like the last night they sat across from each other.

Once they were done eating they head out.

Kyo help Tanjiro put on the straw boots, "Kyo don't you feel cold? You always wear your yukata, tabi socks, zōri, and haori jacket."

The demon smiled, "I am a demon so I barley get cold."

"Demon or not, you can still catch a cold." Tanjiro puffed taking off his blue scarf he wrap it around Kyo's neck and tucking in.

Satisfied Tanjiro picked up the basket and began walking away leaving Kyo to stand alone in the snow.

The demon touched the soft scarf, he blush and ran to catch up with Tanjiro.

"Wait up Tanjiro!"


The winter air was cold, but not as cold as usually. The trees looked barren with very small patches of snow on it. The only sound came from the wind, making the branches scrape against the side.

It was very peaceful to say the least.

Coming back from his dazzled, Tanjiro wip his head back. Kyo was feeding a small squirrel a nut also giving another to the animal who snatch then hurry away.

Tanjiro laughed, it was hard to image how close they gotten after last night. It as if they understood each other from a few words and trust in another.

The red head smiled fondly at Kyo.

"He's always sweet, and every kind
Even though he's demon and unrefined~"

Kyo ran over towards Tanjiro only to fall down in a pile of snow cause him laughed to point he had tears in his eyes.

"But he oh so dear, and so caring
I wonder why he makes my heart fly?~"

The sounds of his laughter, like jingling bells to his ears, had Kyo's heart skip a beat.

"He glanced this way, I thought I saw
And when we touched, I don't shy way and he would smile fondly at me~"

Tanjiro held his hand out to which Kyo happily took and stood up. The boy ran his hands through Kyo's hair dusting off the snow from his head.

The demon's eyes saddened when Tanjiro released his hand.

"No, it can't be, I'll just ignore."

Kyo simper at Tanjiro, who's cheeks slightly colored a tender smile on his lip with fondness eyes.

"But then again he's never looked at me that way before~"

Deep golden red eyes shone brightly with instant glaze making Tanjiro look away.

"New, and a bit alarming~"

Tanjiro fiddle with his fingers, the beating of his soft heart melted into his chest causing him confusion.

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