A Little Push

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Nezuko glance over to the other side of woods, in her hand was a long rope leading across from her. Standing there were Takeo and Hanako both holding the end of the rope.

Their plan is simple. They wait for Kyo and Tanjiro to walk down the hill were on que they'll pull the rope having them trip and safety land on top of each other.

"It's the perfect setting!" Nezuko giggled to herself.

She heard footsteps and laughter coming up the path hill, Nezuko peek out smiling. "Here they come!"

"I'm glad its cloudy." Nezuko heard her brother, they were coming closers. She gave a thumbs up to her siblings then held three fingers. "1...2...3."

Together they pulled the rope from each side only letting go hearing the two stumble down the hill. Quickly they hid behind a bush waiting for a reaction.

Tanjiro had fallen on top of Kyo like expected however....

Inheriting their mother's forehead Tanjiro had butt headed Kyo on the face causing the demon to have a bloodly nose.

"Oh my god! Kyo, your nose!" Tanjiro hand his handkerchief.

"Now that's what I call hard headed!" Kyo joked cleaning the blood.

Nezuko face slap herself, "Great...their goes our plan." Getting two groans from her siblings, they silently walked away all the way back home. Luckily their mother and the two another brothers have left into town.

Hanako and Takeo scanned the outside, seeing no one they slid the door close. They face back to their eldest sister who was sitting in front of them, "Okay Nezuko close clear." Hanako said.

Nezuko nodded. "You already know why we're here again," her expression turned serious, "It's about Tanjiro and Kyo."

Takeo and Hanako gulped but listed, "Our pervious plan should've worked but...." Nezuko's crushed the paper in her hands.

"Those two idiots are more stupid then I thought!" Nezuko snarled.

Hanako huffed crossing her arms. "I told you, they need a bigger push! You know Kyo and big brother are dense!"

"This is so frustrating!" Takeo slammed his hands on the table. "What we need is a expect."

A light bulb click.

The siblings stare at another.


Three siblings ran to the stable, got Aimi ready and rode off before the rest could question them.

After a few minutes they had arrived at Zenitsu and Kaigaku place. Nezuko hid behind a bush in case the demon hunter was at home but to their reliefs he wasn't home.

Zenitsu sat them in the living room as he listened to them. The confuse blond boy blinked. "Wait, you want me to do what?"

Nezuko sighed. "We want you to set up Kyo and our brother on a date!"

"I know, but why me?" Zenitsu asked a second time, he didn't understand why they came to him for this.

Hanako pouted. "Because you and Nezuko can put something together since your both are older than us."

Zenitsu and Nezuko blushed at the complement. "Also cause we didn't ask you, we're telling you." Takeo added.

He signed, first Kaigaku leaves to who-knows-where and now the Tanjiro's siblings want him to plan a date!?

Ruffling his hair Zenitsu thought for a moment. Tanjiro is his best friend and from the sound of his heart beat along with the demon's their feelings are genuine.

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