The Kamado Family

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Tanjiro woke up feeling strangely cold. He burrowed himself deeper into the blankets, but they did not provide the warmth he wanted.

Opening his eyes he looked around, the family were still alseep and then at the window. Tanjiro guessed it was a few hours before dawn, and so, laid back down.

He turned over to his side, eyes meeting open owl ones. Tanjiro shoot up quickly covered his mouth to hold in his scream because laying next to him was Kyo.

The events that occurred the night before came rushing to him—going to the shrine and coming back home late.

Then he remembered Kyo and him dancing then....him...about to....

Tanjiro face reddened. "K-Kyo what are you doing here?" He whispered hoping his family hadn't heard.

Kyo chuckled as he sat up, "Sorry but I wanted to do some outside chores before the sun rises."

Tanjiro sighed deeply, "Oh, true we do have much to plan before tomorrow but we have to be quite, don't want to wake the others."

Nodding they both dress themselves and put away the futon. Putting on their shoes they walk up the path to the woods, "We need to pick some roots and vegetables that's about it."

Smiling Kyo followed the boy behind watching him the demon mind wonder back to yesterday.

The demon touched his lips gently. How close they were to Tanjiro lips though Kyo couldn't understand what lead him to do such act.

Which is why he stop but Kyo didn't understand why he felt disappointed in himself. "Tanjiro had the same look as me too."

"Kyo?" He heard Tanjiro calling for him making him jump. He blushed furiously and shook his head, scolding at himself for such thoughts.

"Y-Yes Tanjiro?" Kyo cleared his throat roughly.

"What is it?" he croaked.

Tanjiro cocked his head, "Are you feeling unwell?" He asked worriedly since the demon's face was turning bright red.

"Er...yes, I'm fine. What is it that you need Tanjiro?" Kyo smiled nervously.

Ignoring the demon's fluster look, Tanjiro grabbed the basket hold sweet potatoes next to him and showed it to Kyo. "Do you think we have enough?"

If there one thing that surprise Kyo was he came to the realization he liked sweet potatoes in any dish but he loved it when cook in rice.

"Yes, and my, did you pick some good ones Tanjiro!" Kyo warmly smiled as he led forward taking a looking at the vegetables.

Tanjiro smiled back. "Thank you!"

"Should we go and finished gathering what we need?" He asked with curiously eyed the basket.

"Uh-huh, let's get going." Kyo replied as Tanjiro handed him the basket.

Together they continue on until Tanjiro saw the orange red yellow sky coming up. He tugged Kyo by the sleeve telling him it was time to leave, hearing the boy's tone they packed up and bolted out of the woods.

Thankfully they made it back home in time before sun could fully rise. The family were awake, Kie had breakfast ready for them and the others had blocked the doors along with the windows so no sunlight came in.

Seeing Kyo was in good hands Tanjiro headed out with Takeo, Shigeru and Nezuko into town to pick up their orders he place a week ago.

Kyo helped Hanako with folding or sewing some of the clothes while Kie cook up snacks for them and the others, Rokuta played beside Hanako.

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