Uninvited Guests

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Inside the home, Nezuko and Tanjiro were sitting in their living room. Nezuko sewing one of Shigeru's clothes, which got caught on a tree branch.

Tanjiro unloading the charcoal by the front.

Their mother and siblings went to gather some dry vegetables not far so leaving the two of them alone.

Then there was a knock at the front door, he expected it to be their family, Tanjiro slide open the door.

"Hello there Tanjiro."

Tanjiro grew dismayed to see that it was Kaigaku who was at the door. "Who's there, brother?" Nezuko called

Tanjiro force a smile. "Why it's Kaigaku, dear sister."

Without any introduction Kaigaku barged in dumping Tanjiro on the way. "Hey Nezuko! I see your doing well!"

"Kaigaku, what a pleasant surprise." Nezuko said, with a fake smile.

"Isn't it though?" Kaigaku asked. "I'm just full of surprises."

Tanjiro rolled his eyes, following Kaigaku to the small room. "When are you not?"

Kaigaku sat across the table from her and Tanjiro. "You know, Tanjiro and Nezuko. There's not a single person in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes."

"Oh? And why is that Kaigaku?" Tanjiro asked with a guarded expression, balling his fists tightly.

"This is the day your sister's dreams come true." Kaigaku answered smiling at Tanjiro with a mischievous face.

"What do you know of my dreams, Kaigaku?" asked the skeptical girl, scooting closer to her brother.

"Plenty!" Kaigaku said, throwing his katana onto the tablet and wet uniform jacket, water getting all over the siblings and floor.

They expressed disgusted faces and held their noses as the man stretches his arms. "My latest kill roasting on the fire, my little wife bring in my dinner and having drinks with my brother in law." Kaigaku smirked.

"Imagine that." Nezuko responded as she began to clean the table with a rag, Tanjiro had step out to hang Kaigaku's stuff.

"Just incredible." Tanjiro mumbled.

"And do you know who that little wife and man will be?" Kaigaku asked.

Nezuko shook her head, she knew where this is going. Kaigaku yanked her hand and cupped it, faces now inches apart. "Why you, Nezuko!"

"Kaigaku, I'm... speechless!" Nezuko said, pretending to be flattered. "I really don't know what to say."

Kaigaku brought her closer towards his lips. "Say you'll marry me," he asked, with a smug smile.

"I'm very sorry, Kaigaku, but..." Nezuko said with her hand motioning Tanjiro for help.

As Kaigaku attempted to kiss Nezuko.

Tanjiro had enough.

He found his chance and elbowed him in the back. He yanked Kaigaku by the collar and send him flying out the door into a wallow of mud!

"Its was nice to see you drop by Kaigaku but Nezuko isn't the right for you, tough luck my friend." Tanjiro snarled slamming the sliding door with so much force it shook the house.

After a few minutes, Tanjiro poked his head out of the door to make sure it was safe.

"Is he gone?" Nezuko asked.

"Yes, he's gone all right." Tanjiro said, scanning the area very carefully.

The siblings looked to see their family had return. Tanjiro took the axe from the front door, Kie greeted him but was ignored.

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