Once Upon a Dream

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Kyo blinked, he was sitting on someone's lap but when he looked down his hands were tiny. "Am I a child?"

He heard a woman's voice calling to him and hug Kyo close to her chest.

She began to sing.

"On the wind
Cross the sea
Hear this song and remember~"

"Soon you'll be home with me
Once upon a December~"

At the last note he close his eyes, the woman kissed his forehead.

"Wake up Kyo-"


"Good-morning Kyo!"

Three little voice yelled waking Kyo from his sleep along with someone landing on top of him. "Oof!"


Kyo slowly open his eyes to see Shigeru, Hanako and Rokuta looking at him with the biggest smiles on their faces.

The demon slowly got up to sit up in the futon, picking up Rokuta. "That's one way to wake someone." The small boy laughed as he hugged him while the other two did the same on the opposite side.

Tanjiro walked up to them his face quickly shifted to a frown. "Guys, you were just supposed to see if Kyo was up. Not wake him up." The older brother scolded them gently.

"Let them be Tanjiro, they just wanted to say good-morning." Kyo said with a smile that the kids shared.

Hanako sat on Kyo's right side of the futon, in her hands was a tray of food. "Breakfast in bed?" He asked with glee.

Shigeru nodded. "You over slept today Kyo so we reheated the food once you woke up."

"How long did I overslept?" Kyo asked taking the chopsticks and began eating.

Hanako took Rokuta away from the demon's side, "Just an hour late so no worries."

"Since he's awake it's time for you three to go outside, mom needs help gathering roots." Tanjiro said and in a second the children were out of the room like a rocket.

Leaving Kyo to enjoy his food alone with Tanjiro, a blush creepy up his cheek. "So what's on our list of chores?"

"Nothing much just getting ready for spring." A unsatisfied chill ran down Tanjiro's spine, he completely forgotten about that.

Kyo sense his uneasiness. "The year is coming to a close..." a sad smile cross his thin lips, "...how time flew by."

Tanjiro turn his gaze to his knees, "It sure did...though we also have to get everything ready for the ceremony in two days."

"Ceremony?" Kyo set down his finished meal, "Isn't New Years around that time?"

"Yes, the ceremony has to be held that day, its very important to our family, been pass down for generations." Tanjiro said picking up the demon's tray.

Kyo lit his head. "Ah, can you tell me about it?"

Smiling Tanjiro help Kyo put away the bed. "Sure! We set torches in a circular shape and lite them in the night for the ceremonial dance."

"Dance?" Kyo eyebrow raised.

"Yes, it is called the Hinokami Kagura Dance. It's danced barefooted and wearing the traditional clothing along with wooden blade in hand." Tanjiro explained as they slipped on their shoes and walk outside.

Everything he heard park Kyo's interested. "Do you know the origin of the ceremony?"

Gladly Tanjiro nodded. "Well from what I recall the Hinokami Kagura Dance is an offering to the Fire God who gave my ancestors the hanafuda earrings and taught us the dance, but that's all I know."

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