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(Day 110 - Era of Galactic Peace - Inside Beacon Academy Operation Jungle Predator, day two) [Flash POV]

**Flash is sitting near Cinder and the rest of her team as he crosses his arms, looking over the class and taking notes on the members. Eyeing the clones as Pyrrah walks out of the locker room, Flash looking down to see Pyrrah sparring with Cardin Winchester and back again. Eventually, the fight includes the other members of Team CRDL. Quietly mouthing the proper motions to take her down as CRDL fights Pyrrha**

Casing: *chuckling as the rest of his team is on the floor, spinning up his Z6 is he sprays at Pyrrha* HA HA HA! CHEW ON THIS!

Pyrrha: *using her shield to block the blaster bolts before throwing her javelin at Casing.*

Casing: *sidestepping the javelin as he unloads his Z6 before throwing it at her and firing his DC-17s*

Pyrrha: *using her shield to block the bolts as best as she can before slipping under Casing to pull his feet out from under him. Planting her shield against his neck.* Yield?

Casing: *chuckling* You first. *his blasters aimed at her sides*

**Glynda approaches from behind Cardin who clutches his ribs.**

Glynda: And that's a draw for Mr. Casing and Ms. Pyrrha, and Match for CRDL and Ms. Pyrrha.

Cardin: *growling* Lucky shot. *before immediately collapsing*

Glynda: Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament. While Mr. Casing... *looking to the struggling members of Team CRDL* might need to work on assisting his team more than worrying about qualification.

Pyrrha: Thank you, professor.

Casing: *nodding as he cracks his knuckles* ALRIGHT BOYS! FRONT AND CENTER! NOW! NOW! NOW!

Glynda: *Tapping her Scroll as CRDL frantically uses every ounce of energy left to follow Casing's orders before leaving. The four of them panting hard from the pushups they were made to do* Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. *Glynda looks around at the observing students.* Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? *Blake slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda.* You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -

**Mercury raises his hand.**

Mercury: I'll do it.

Mig: *elbowing Flash before raising his hand* I'll go.

Glynda: *raising an eyebrow* Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent.

Mercury: Actually, I wanna fight... her. *pointing to Pyrrha.*

Pyrrha: Me?

Glynda: I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner.

Pyrrha: No, it's fine! I'd be happy to oblige.

Glynda: *looking to Migs* And... you? Mr....

Mig: *getting up and cracking his neck and fingers* Name's Mig, and I call..... *nodding to Red* You.

Red: *raising and eyebrow as he holds his helmet* You got a few screws loose, kid?

Mig: *arms crossed* I ain't no BLOB, relic.

Red: *glaring at Mig, hands clenched* What did you just call me?

Classic: *looking up from his conversation with Vannessa as he seems puzzled* Relic?

Red: Alright, you and me, punk. We're going first!

Glynda: Well, Mercu-

Red: *pulling out his DC-15A rifle* Oh, I insist.

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