Chapter 13

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                                                         **With Ethan/Dream**

Ethan found himself waking up to the sound of a man calling his name, when he managed to open his eyes he was shocked and a bit startled that it was Jack Baker before him which the man understood the reaction and did his best to calm Ethan down which in the end was successful.

"Shh, Shh, I know, I know, I know- I'm not gonna hurt you. Hell, I never would have if I could've helped it." Jack says.
"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.
"I'm no killer son. Neither is Marguerite, nor my boy, Lucas. Or even Zoe here. That girl Eveline, she did this." Jack explains placing a hand on her leg for the moment.
"What the hell is she? Now, what did she do to you?" Ethan asked.
"She infected us with her gift. That's what she calls it. I found her near a busted-out tanker in the bayou. Everything changed after that. Your wife she...she tried to warn us but...I didn't listen." Jack explains.
"So she infects you, and then she takes control?" Ethan asked.
"No not exactly son. She just-- forces her way into your mind and your soul can't fight back. You are connected to her and you can't resist the urge to...You're a different person after that." Jack explains what goes on in a person whos infected.
"Just like (Y/N), So (Y/N) sent me that message because of Eveline," Ethan muttered.
"Listen, the girl just wants a family of her own. She's the key alright? You find her and you stop her. (Y/N) has tried for so long to end this nightmare all on her own and has suffered enough...she's tried to help in any way sort of form for us and my wife and I appreciate the efforts to save us. So Ethan, free my family--please." Jack asked.

Of course, that would be what Ethan was gonna do, he was gonna stop Eveline regardless and along the way, he'd save his wife from this place and bring her home. So when he felt himself waking up somehow he nodded his head towards Jack as his vision slowly turned black.

                                                                **Dream End**

"Eveline stay away from him." Your voice was heard.
"Why? He doesn't love you. I can make him love you." Eveline's voice replied.
"Don't! Don't hurt him." Your voice quickly followed.
"Silly, I told you. I'm not going to hurt him." Eveline replied.
"Don't you dare." You recounted.
"Or, what? You're not my mommy remember." Eveline giggled.

The next thing Ethan knew he was able to breathe a hell of a lot easier as you pulled away at the mold that held him in place, your worried (E/C) eyes met his as you continued to help him out of whatever this shitty mold held him in. When he was out Ethan's hands held your upper arms while yours were on his shoulders a bit.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? How?" Ethan began asking.
"There's no time. You have to get out of here and find her." You explained.

You had pushed Ethan back bit by bit as you spoke with your husband, you could feel Eveline slowly creeping back into your mind to regain some sort of control so when he was near the entrance of the door you pulled out your gun and slid it on the floor near his feet then took out the vial you hand before.

"Here, take this." You told him placing it in his hand.
"What? Wait, Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing?!" Ethan asked but was shoved back, stumbling he watched as you quickly closed the door and shut it locked by the time he got to it.
"Saving your life. You need to go. I won't be able to resist for much longer." You explained.
From the small window on the door, Ethan could faintly see over your shoulder the form of Eveline. Oh god!
"No..." Ethan muttered.
"Now go kill that little bitch." You replied as the mold began to cover the entirety of the door and window.
" (Y/N) no!" Ethan shouted.

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