Chapter 5

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You weren't sure how much time had passed since you have hidden away in the old house, hopefully, Zoe's mother didn't see you but that wasn't what you were currently hunched over about. No. You were currently holding your head as you tried your damn best to hold in your painful cries as you began to slightly remember why you were here and what you were doing ahead of time.

'It hurts...Ethan, it hurts so much!' You thought.

Falling to your knees you groaned a bit as the left side of your body leaned up on the wall for support, but when your ears picked up on some movement outside the room you were in, despite your struggles at first you managed to get yourself hidden away in a large closet and left the doors open a crack as you peeked through it.

Zoe's mother looked around for a moment before walking out and shutting the door behind her. Sighing you slowly removed yourself from the closet and carefully sneaked out of there leaving behind even more things of yours so Ethan could find them.

'Please be okay when we see each other again.' You thought.

                                                                **With Ethan**

Ethan sighed to himself then took the path he saw your video in and realized you were here just moments ago! were captured by Zoe's mother. However, he did trust you to escape from Zoe's mother so he had faith that he'd reunite with you soon enough.

Gathering whatever supplies he needed Ethan found himself at the Old House and first encountered was Zoe's mother who told him to stay the fuck out, then he ran into what were large insects which were a hassle to kill with them flying all around him, once they were finally dead and Ethan let himself have a shiver up his spine shaking it off he took in the sight before him...everything was still alike to the video you had left behind.

That same video he was grateful to watch despite the price it took to make did help Ethan as he remembered what was all hidden away but he knew that the Bakers here wouldn't make it as easy for him this time around so he didn't have much of his hopes up to get in and out with so much ease.

"In case something goes from bad to worse, expect things to be even harder to approach and think of a way to overcome it. When you find the answer you'll get through it no matter what."

Those were the words you told him when things got so bad a few years ago before your marriage to one another as you encouraged him so much in the past...though thinking about it now Ethan had a feeling you knew more about hardship than he was let on.

Nodding to himself Ethan pushed forwards in search of the place just in case you were nearby, opening a door he first noticed a message on the walls which he assumed were made with blood. They were much too dry for the message to be by you and when he read it his blood turned cold for a moment.

'She's upstairs. Don't go up.'

When he entered the room more, however, it was covered with bugs and hives, now he knew what Zoe meant about handling her mother...or well he had a feeling of what she could mean. Despite the gross bugs all around him, he managed to make it to the hallway where he remembered you had hidden from Zoe's mother and looked around seeing an Old House Map tucked away.

Grabbing it this gave him the areas where he could go and find more supplies or small things you've left behind and maybe see you finally in person. When he entered the room where was seen the video of that shadow statue Ethan searched high and low for it but this time it wasn't there all he found was a small picture of the two of you the day of the first date you left behind for him.

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