Chapter 2

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Ethan groaned as he slowly began to wake up, he found himself taped to the chair he was seated in and when his vision focused he saw a family sit before him, the table covered with gross and grotesque 'food' as it looked like with one of them eating away at it. Panicking Ethan looked around for you.

'(Y/N)...where are you!? Where did they take you?!' Ethan thought.

"Where am I? What the hell?" Ethan asked.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead. It's time for supper." The woman explained.
"Who are all you people? Where's (Y/N)? Where did you take her?!" Ethan asked wanting answers.
"Eat it. It's good." The woman smiled.

Like hell, he'd eat something like this! For fuck sake it wasn't even food at all!! These people were crazy!

"Dumb son of a bitch wouldn't know good if it hit him!" The younger man said throwing his plate at Ethan's head which he quickly dodged only to have a bit of gross shit touch his hair.
'Gross...' Ethan thought.
"Lucas!" The woman scolded.
"Goddamn, old man, not again!" Lucas shouted as Ethan watched in horror as the older man began cutting Lucas's arm off.
"Get out the way, Marguerite. That boy's gotta eat! He got to have his supper. Come here, boy. Let's do this, come on." The older man spoke as he tried to force the 'food' into Ethan's mouth.

Ethan knew he didn't want to even try such food so he did his best to keep his mouth shut as the older man who would later be identified by Marguerite as Jack. When he spit it out she pretty much had a breakdown that since Ethan wasn't eating it since she made it all for him she was sent away.

Sadly luck wasn't on Ethan's side too much since Jack next took a knife and began cutting away at his face until the phone began to ring that became his saving grace. When both Jack and Lucas left, Ethan finally moved around in the chair and when he landed on his side he got his arms free.

He had to get out of there and fast!

Ethan searched all over the place of where he was for something to act as a weapon for him but nothing...all he did find were some herbs and a single box of handgun bullets but that was about it, along with a locked hatch he could use to escape. He just needed the damn key for it.

'Come on (Y/N) there has to be something you left behind to tell me your okay...or at least alive...I don't know how long I was out so please be okay.' Ethan thought worried for you.

Ethan came across the Garage, there was a box on the switch but it was covered with harsh tape that would need to be cut in order for him to even get inside if that were possible. Not to mention there was a wooden box just up on the steps as well. Sighing Ethan left and tried the door to his left but it was locked.

Turning around Ethan walked down the hall but froze when he saw Jack, though this time for some odd damn reason the older man was now...holding something in his hands that obviously would be used as a weapon. But when he was noticed Ethan knew he was in trouble.

"Thought you'd just slip out before dinner was done?" Jack asked.

With Jack chasing after him Ethan used the large space around the house to avoid the attacks Jack was trying to set upon him. So while Jack was busy whining about the table he just broke Ethan booked it out of there back into the hallway only to be blocked off from Jack once more as the man somehow with great strenght had burst through the wall just near where that key was.

Ethan cursed to himself as he turned around quickly and ran off knowing Jack was behind him, not sure how he did it though but he avoided Jack for the time being as he was later able to swipe the key he needed for that hatch that seemed to be somewhere that would be underground the house but either way if it got him away from Jack for the time being he'd take whichever route.

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