Chapter 6

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You who was tied up and sitting on a chair watched as Lucas began walking around just pacing as he mumbled some crazy ass shit about whatever went through his fucking head at the time not to mention you overheard something about Eveline not liking his treatment to you.

"Fuck sakes, Eveline all I did was tie her up! She tried to escape!" Lucas shouted.

Narrowing your (e/c) eyes at him you looked around, the room was void of anything other than a large box and the two of you along with this dumb old chair you were sitting on. Whenever he wasn't looking you slowly started to slip your hand towards your belt where the knife Ethan had given you was.

For a split moment, you didn't move when the knife was in your grasp, but when Lucas didn't notice a damn thing you slowly began to cut away at the rope, pain shot through you as the blade cut through your hand at times and to not bring attention to yourself for the moment you held back in showing emotion of pain.

"Fuck this I'm done, you stay put okay? I'll be back and when I'm done with you...heh your little husband is gonna be pissed." Lucas laughed as he left the room.

'Idiot.' You thought.

With the final rope being cut you sighed then fell to your knees as you held both of your hands close to your chest giving off a silent scream of pain from the multiple cuts. Knowing you didn't have much time to stick around you bandaged your hands quickly and gripped the knife once more.

There wasn't any more time to waste so when you used some of the medical fluid and quickly bandaged them up you had searched the room in case this place had any secret doors. Though honestly you just decided to break through a part of the wooden wall that was already falling apart.

Using the knife you dug it into the nail and loosened it to where you could just push it back far enough to get through, once you thought it was well off enough for your escape you placed the knife back in your belt minding it so you wouldn't get hurt by it as you crawled out biting back your painful groan as the wood dug int your back as you continued to make your escape.

'Can't stop! Need to get to that Green House!' You thought.

Once out you sighed and knew your back must look horrible right now but there wasn't any time to bother with it at the moment until you and Ethan reunited once more to get that serum in order for the two of you along with Zoe to get the fuck out of here.

'But first, we'll need to get rid of the infection...wait how do I know this?' You thought.

So far your memories weren't all back just yet...all you remembered now was sending your beloved husband a video of how you missed and loved him along with the fact that you should've been home sooner than you had thought before...but other than that it was nothing.
Surely the other memories should return...right?

Making it to the Green House you walked up the steps and searched around the place, you saw some herbs and took them and began making some medical supplies for you and Ethan whenever he would get here. Taking your half and leaving the other for Ethan behind you sighed to yourself and jump down through the hole in the wooden floor.

You weren't sure if Margarette was here yet or at all but you had a feeling things would get ugly here very soon as you explored the place.


Ethan was actually moving to the second floor of this place to continue his search around for whatever he needed to create the serum, he first explored a really small room that somehow held a piano in it, shrugging his shoulders he turned around and only walked a few steps to hear the keys go off...knowing there wasn't anyone in there or well shouldn't be anyone in there he slowly continued onwards trying not to think of how creepy this feeling was.

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