Chapter 1

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3 Years Later...
Dulvey Louisiana

Ethan drove the car he rented out rather quickly when his wife - you who went missing all those years ago when the ship you were on suddenly went straight for a storm and it disappeared. Your whereabouts were never found and anytime a search party was sent out they returned empty-handed...even the BSAA deemed you dead and placed a gravestone in remembrance of you despite there being nobody to bury.

They respected your requests to keep your position with them a secret from your husband and continued to keep watch over him in case the enemy figured out about him but nothing came up so they pulled back...which they would soon regret with Ethan's next actions he took.

Down a rather empty road, Ethan drove the car while on the phone with an old friend of both of yours informing him that he was heading where you had contacted him from stating where you were...even if it was suspicious he still needed to know if it was real...he wanted his wife back and he would stop at nothing to get you back home where it was safe. At his side, in his arms whichever it was.

'She needs to be safe...' Ethan thought.

It didn't take long before he gently guided the car to move towards where a bunch of trees and bushes were, this land was rather off the side of the main road but it appeared to be what looked like a ranch of some sort.

"This is the place..." Ethan mutters to himself after he parked the car for the moment.

Looking around for a short moment Ethan continued onwards where he believed that the house should be at, clearly a lot of bugs were around so Ethan just swatted them away with his hand to scare them off and kept pushing forwards, up until he made it to the front gates of what he guessed was the main house.

Sighing he cursed slightly when he noticed the gates were chained up, looking to the side was a speaker along with a button, trying it out proved to be ineffective since nothing happened nor did anyone answer. Shaking his head he looked around a bit more as he continued to the open area and saw a van parked there as well...seemed like someone else was here before him.

Searching inside it he saw a booklet with what he believed to be those who owned this though what weirded him out was the 'Join Us' on the back. Worried for his wife's safety he continued on to quickly find some sort of place to enter the building to get you out of there quickly. Only to find another sign that says 'Accept Her Gift'.

Was this some cult bull-shit? Oh god...he needed to get you out of there quickly!

Stepping through the metal bars that had an opening Ethan soon noticed an older gentleman walking away in the distance, unsure if he should call out to him he ended up following the man only to find nothing where the guy was at previously moments before.

'He's fast...' Ethan thought.

The further Ethan went the more bizarre things looked for him...or well anyone in general. Large amounts of metal were hung all over the place with what Ethan guessed to be animal legs...? Not liking the feeling in his gut he pushed forwards once more as he crawled under only to come to a small cliff to get down from when he noticed a fire that seemed to be just lit going through along with a purse lying beside it.

'That's...' Ethan thought.

Carefully looking through it Ethan realized this was your thing...but why would that man have to burn all this? Even more worried now he pocked your wallet in his pocket for safekeeping as he knew you must be somewhere here.

Ashes - Resident Evil 7 [Ethan Winters x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt