Chapter 12

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With your memories now back you knew that today HAD to be the final day that Eveline could roam freely, after three full years of suffering under her and allowing others to as well it weight heavy on your mind on how many people you let die or must've killed while under her control.

'No don't think about that now, focus on finding a way to Ethan...but first things first I need to find a way to contact Chris...' You thought.

Exiting the room you were in you later found yourself in the room you remembered recording a 'goodbye' video for Ethan though honestly, that didn't do much as you had hoped in the past since clearly, Ethan was the kind of husband and man that would stop at nothing to protect his wife.

You sure scored a good one!

Shaking your head you looked around the place, walking up to the laptop you used to use in the past you looked at it, clearly it was broken though thankfully you remembered there wasn't much important in it since you had all the files and many other things in a USB that you had already sent off to HQ all those years ago secretly.

At least the important information on there wasn't stolen or that would've been deadly.

The door however that you used previously in the past was now locked tight, so with that, you headed for the elevator using the emergency ladder you came up to the top only to jump down the small hatch that led you to the bridge of the ship, thankfully one of the monitors were still useful and a headpiece was sitting there to the side.

'Good something useful...' You thought.

Approaching it you went through the camera's first looking for your husband's whereabouts, so far there wasn't much until you came across camera 5 on the lowest level of the ship, there Ethan had been encased in the mold as if it was holding him up there for a show. Worried you zoomed the camera in more though it looked like he was fine...for now...

"Hang in there, Ethan." You whispered.

When you pulled away from the computer for the moment you thought you saw Eveline there as she grabbed your arm calling you a liar but in reality, it was just a hallucination of her, sighing you really wanted this to be over with but first you needed to get into contact with Chris. And as if the damn world could hear your thoughts you heard the faint sound of the radio going off and what sounded like Chris's voice.

He was here! Or at least nearby!

Typing away at the computer quickly you tried to make a video call to Chris's phone and when it was pending you quickly put on the headset for easier access to communicate.

"Who is this? How did- fucking hell (Y/N)?! Your alive?!" Chris picked up the call.
"Yes! It went through thank god. Listen Chris I'm currently at the shipwreck right now. But I need to get my husband out of here before Eveline makes things even worse! Listen to me, Eveline is out there somewhere and-" You began to explain.
"(Y/N) look were on our way, just hold tight okay? We're nearly there." Chris informed you.
"I know but I can't sit around while Eveline is out there, it's my fault she this happened." You told him.
"It's not your fault, sometimes the mission fails and we can't do anything about it. But don't worry we're coming for you." Chris replies.
"Alright get here as fast as you can, I'll hold off as much as I can at this point." You replied.
"Don't you dare disappear this time, that's an order." Chris smirked.
"Like hell, I will, besides I got a score to settle with that little bitch. Oh! Before I go there's a girl on the property where I was for these past three years her name is, Zoe Baker. She's one of the few who has helped me please if you find her save her." You replied.
"Alright we will, I'll see you soon, Chris out," Chris replied.

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