Part 7

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Ray: " oh no problem. I was passing by and saw what was happening so I helped. I'll be on my way now."

Old villager:" You are our hero, please allow up to show you our gratitude. Please stay here for a few days."

Ray:"ah sure. It would be nice to rest up before continuing my journey." I decided to stay in the village and help the people rebuild the village. It turns out that iron golems don't exist in this world so there is not much protection for people who live in villages. I helped them build a stone wall around the whole village so that it would be easier for them to defend themselves. Because I got the hero of the village effect or maybe they're just grateful, I got many gifts from the people. 

After my stay in the village, I went back to my palace. I brought some people with me to the palace because it's very lonely here and I need people to take care of the palace when I'm not around. I brought 3 girls and two men. the girls are for cleaning and taking care of the palace while the men are the guards. I gave the guards some iron equipment. After doing all that, I made the decision to finally get my diamond equipment enchanted. I had all the other needed items, just need some obsidian. I went mining again to see if I can find some lava.

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