Part 1

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A boy was walking through the road while looking at his phone. A truck was going at a very high speed and hit the boy . He died.

Ray: "WTF!?!?! I DIED?!?! Just like that?! DAMN THIS PHONE!"

God: "OK boy STFU. You died and I am here to give you another chance in life. Hurry up and tell me where do you want to be reincarnated, I'm a busy man."

Ray: "Alright send me to the world of Minecraft! I will dominate that world with all my knowledge of Minecraft."

God: " Not so easy kid, I can send you there but there will be some differences in the world from what you know."

Ray: "What differences exactly?"

God: " I'm not going to tell you all of them but just the essentials that you have to know. For starters, You can not respawn like in the game, The world will be more realistic, As in you will be able to do thinks the player in the game can do, but there will be other things that are not in the game, Some of the things will not be cube shaped suck as living things and some special non living items."

Ray: "OK. This will make my life more exciting in there."

God: " Ok then off you go. But before that, let me warn you, in that world, there will be many dangerous things that can kill you and many creatures you will have to be careful about. Well, you will find out when you get there anyway. Go!"

And with the Ray was kicked out of the place he was in by God and sent down to the world of "Minecraft" that has many twist and turns but it is more exciting that it's game counterpart. Ray's journey starts from here.

Transmigrated into Minecraft!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن