Part 2

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Ray opens his eyes to see a world that he has been dyeing to see(literally). The world of Minecraft, filled with adventure and Action (and deaths in my case). He seems to have been spawned in a plains biome. There are a few trees here and there but the majority of the terrain was flat land. 

Ray: "OK, the first thing I need to do is to get wood. There are a few trees around me so it's gonna be easy to get wood."

Ray proceeds to run to the nearest tree, which was an Oak tree. He punches the tree in order to break it apart but...

Ray: " AAAAAA!! My HAND!! Shit why didn't I think of it earlier? If you punch a tree, it's not gonna break apart, your hands will."

He begins to think of ways to cut the tree but cannot think of anything. Suddently from the corner of his eyes, he sees an icon with the silhouette of a pickax in it. He focuses on the icon since he cannot seem touch it. The icon grows bigger and then a description appeared in his vision.

" To mine/chop anything, please focus of the block you want to mine/chop and think of breaking it along with punching in softly or using a tool until it breaks. Mining speed depends of what tool is being used. This action may have to be conducted multiple times if the block is being mined with any tools.

Ray: "So that's why I can't break it. I have to do it multiple times since I don't have any tools. Let's get to work then."

Ray began to do manual labor for a while. He chopped 5 trees which gave him 35 logs. While mining, he discovered that picking up dropped items are similar to the game as he can automatically pick up the items passively. After picking up his first item, his hotbar and inventory also got activated. This made him relieved since he was worried if he will get this super convenient ability or not. After getting the wood, he opened his inventory and went to the crafting section, he made a crafting table. With the crafting table, he made a wooden pickax so that he can mine some stones. After mining around 10 stone blocks, he crafted a stone sword, pickax and axe for himself. He also got some iron and coal which was really convenient. He smelted the iron to make a water bucked and a sheer. With that, he felt like he really started to establish himself in this world. But just as he was beginning to be happy about himself, night fell. He thought that he will be able to survive but when he say all the mobs that spawned, he quietly mined a hole for himself and buried himself underground to pass the night. 

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