"Release her." His voice boomed and demanded submission.

He was furious. He never felt this mad before. Being the strongest alpha out there, everyone is expected to fear you and they did. Grey's threat was one to none so he didn't need to show his wrath not unless needed. He had learned to control his emotions to avoid having hid enemies use it against him. It was hard now though because as soon as he found Karina, some of his control easily slipped.

"But she smells so nice." Jared sniffed Karina's neck and she tried hard to pull away.

"Get the fuck away from me, you sick fuck!" She growled and threw a punch, shocking the alpha and his beta.

Jared groaned but still managed to put up after her fists collided with his jaw. In retaliation, he grabbed Karina's short hair and pulled it with force, trying to shove it against the countertop. Keyword 'tried'.

She was sick of playing nice. When Jared entered, she asked him to leave because one, her mate was not in the house. Two, she needed the privacy due to her lack of clothing. Unfortunately, Jared didn't listen so she told him to fuck off. The piece of shit slapped her ass instead and tried to kiss her, hence the scream and tug of war they had with her wrist.

She did not expect to have Grey and Luca walk in on them though she didn't mind as she was about to kick this idiot's ass.

Luca was about to interfere, worried that his Luna might get injured but Grey held him back, amused at how Karina fought off the mutt.

"Stay put, Luke." His beta did as told.

In a split second, Karina kneed Jared on his balls and shoved him back. Thankfully, the shirt was long enough to not show her bareness. Fisting her hands, she collided it on to his face, aiming for the idiot's eye. Not contented, she elbowed him and landed a punch once more to his not so pretty face.

Jared stumbled back from the impact and Luca immediately restrained the mutt. He dragged him out of the house leaving the two mates to themselves.

Karina's chest heaved up and down. She composed herself and fixed her hair, glaring at the idiot she just fought off. She tried closing and opening her fist, assessing the damage. Her knuckles were sore and it hurt but nothing she could not handle.

"Feisty." He smirked at her but she ignored him and continued cooking her meal.

"Didn't know you could throw a punch", His eyes sparkled in fascination of his mate. Her back was to him and he enjoyed looking at her ass.

"My mother is an alpha female. What do you expect me to do? Scream until my throat bleeds?" He chuckled at her response and neared her. She still hadn't turned around to look at him.

He trapped her in between his arms and buried his head on her neck, taking her scent in. Lifting one hand, he traced her thighs with his fingers and teased her skin. Cupping her sex, his other hand went inside the shirt she wore and played with her breasts.

"Oh, we can arrange that." He felt her shiver with his touch. "No panties?"

Karina leveled her breath before replying to her mate.

"I'd like to eat, please."

Andrin huffed and let her go. She was lucky, he thought. He was gonna give her everything she wanted before demanding what he wanted the most out of her. It was only a matter of time.

Patience, he reminded his wolf.

"Do you want some?" Karina asked him, holding out a plate with bacon on it.

Andrin nodded and watched his mate prepare him breakfast. Once settled, they both ate silently. He knew his mate felt his burning gaze but he couldn't help it.

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