Chapter 2, Part 5 - Certain Death

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Trevor could only let out a weak, quivering chuckle as the monstrous Skarmory slowly raised its crimson wings and began flailing them wildly, creating a gale of wind powerful enough to send both Trevor and Aiden flying backwards and come crashing into an adjacent wall. The pair found themselves unable to breathe from the waves of air which crushed their chests as the onslaught of wind kept them pinned and unable to move. Trevor teetered on the brink of unconsciousness as the Skarmory finally stopped its merciless assault out of fatigue, granting the pair a brief opportunity to move again and catch their breaths.

"You'll... pay for that!" Aiden gasped as she began charging headfirst towards the Skarmory, her burning feet leaving charred imprints on the stone floor. One lazy swing of the crawler's wing was enough to create a gale which sent her hurtling backwards violently. Trevor, in turn, tried throwing a blast seed towards the Skarmory, only for another gust of wind to redirect the projectile towards Aiden, who was forced to lunge sideways to avoid the seed's detonation.

"Hey! Be careful with those, that almost hit me!" Aiden shouted.

Trevor barely had time to apologize before the Skarmory began flapping its wings once more, creating another unstoppable barrage of wind. Through a sudden bout of quick thinking, Trevor pulled an iron thorn from his bag, and with all the force he could muster, plunged it into the earth and held on for dear life so as to avoid being swept up. Aiden, rapidly losing her footing, grabbed onto Trevor's tail to avoid being blown back by the powerful gale.

"OW!" Trevor sharply screamed, "Aiden, that hurts!"

"Sorry Treph, but you gotta hang on!"

The strength of the Skarmory's wings as well as the agonizing pain of his tail being pulled steadily took its toll on the Meowth's grip as the gale continued to rage on.

"I can't hang on... for much longer!" was all Trevor could grunt before his grip on the thorn finally slipped, causing the pair to helplessly tumble backwards yet again. The Meowth's strained efforts to rise back to his feet were interrupted by Aiden shoving him back downwards shouting, "TREPH, DUCK!" as several sharp, metallic feathers were flung towards them. As Trevor watched the projectiles hit an adjacent wall while cowering in fear, he couldn't help but notice a peculiar stinging feeling in his left ear followed by the sensation of something warm traveling down the side of his face. Trembling, he put a paw to his left ear and felt a gaping cut which burned relentlessly when touched. He then moved the quivering paw in between his eyes, to find it covered by a dull shade of red. The metallic smell of his own blood was enough to make the Meowth finally crack down.

"Aiden, we can't fight this thing!" Trevor began screaming, "We have to run!"

"What?!" Aiden yelled, turning towards Trevor with an incredulous expression. "We can't just leave!"

"Aiden, please!" Trevor desperately pleaded, "This thing is too strong, fighting it is a lost cause! If we stay here, we'll die for sure!"

Aiden rapidly shook her head. "Treph, listen to yourself! If we leave, the kid'll be left all alone! He'll die!"

"There's no way we can beat this thing ourselves!" Trevor tried bargaining, "We can come back- we can get out and find a stronger team who can save him! We don't have to-"

"Trevor!" Aiden screamed, instantly silencing the Meowth, "You can't have both! Either we confront this thing head on, or we leave the kid to die! Which do you choose?!"

As the Skarmory bellowed yet another earsplitting cry, Trevor suddenly found himself focusing solely on the cowering Mime Jr. cowering behind it. The Meowth watched as the defenseless Pokémon shakily pulled the hem of his massive hat over his tear-filled eyes as every muscle in his body seemed to tremble from terror. Trevor began digging his claws into his palms at the idea that this innocent, defenseless child could meet such an early end as a result of his own ineptitude and cowardice.

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