Chapter 8, Part 5 - Last Stand

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Trevor, Aiden, and Jett stood silently in complete shock, the former two now staring at their teammate with a newfound sense of awe. The surrounding crowd, by contrast, exploded into a sea of loud clamors as every single one of their eyes now drilled directly onto Rin.

"That's right!" the Dewott continued, "I'm the coward who let Pokémon Square get destroyed by that falling meteor, I'm the one you're after! Target all your hatred towards me- I deserve everything that happens to me! Just leave Trevor and his partner alone- they don't deserve to suffer because of what I did!"

The discordant roar of the surrounding crowd swiftly sunk into a hushed sea of murmurs, many Pokémon at an apparent loss for what to do. Jett responded quickly in turn.

"So, the coward finally decides to show his face. How convenient- now we can eradicate both humans from this world in one fell swoop!" The Scizor turned to face the audience, "Don't fall for their tricks, fellow Pokémon! The fact still stands that humans are not to be trusted! If one human can cause such a calamity as the meteor from a decade ago, who knows what kind of threat this new human poses to this world?! We must eradicate this insidious evil without any remaining trace!"

Jett's sheer charisma and dominating presence was enough to shift the crowd towards her favor, ten dissenters exponentially increasing to a hundred within a minute. Jett's declaration instantly invigorated her audience, inspiring several Pokémon to angrily close in towards the trio.

"Yeah, all humans should be purged!"

"The Meowth is just as much of a monster as the Dewott is!"

"That Scorbunny's also dangerous, isn't she? For working with the humans?!"

"They're all guilty! Let's get'em!"

"Stay back!" Jett shouted in a resonant, dominant voice which instantly halted the crowd in their tracks. "I won't stand for any innocent Pokémon getting hurt! Humans are crafty, devilish creatures- they may resort to taking hostages in order to gain the upper hand. Make space, leave this solely to me!"

While Jett was preoccupied with addressing the crowd, Rin hastily turned towards Trevor and Aiden. "I'm... real sorry for leaving you two. This is my fault, all of it. The least I can do now is struggle with you till' the end. You both can still fight, yeah?"

"I- mhm," Trevor muttered dazedly, still recovering from the shock of Rin's reveal in addition to the pain of his many injuries.

"Then let's make our last stand as a team- she may be a Legend Rank, but she's not invincible! She's just as susceptible to type disadvantages as we are!"

Aiden broke from her dazed stupor and gave a silent nod, then shifted her gaze towards a rock sitting innocently nearby. Jett instantly recognized Aiden's intent and began preparing another Signal Beam to retaliate.

"You won't get the chance-"

The Scizor was interrupted by Rin rushing her down with repeated sword strikes, Trevor backing him up by breathing fire directly onto her armor. In quick retaliation, Jett promptly caught Rin's arm, hurled him straight into Trevor, then forced Aiden to abandon her Pyro Ball with a charged Signal Beam, completely singing the fur on her left whisker in the process.

"We can't win from a distance as long as she has that beam!" Trevor shouted while unsheathing his claws, "Try to disable her pincers!"

The trio simultaneously began bombarding Jett with all the punches, kicks, and slashes they could manage. The Scizor once again disassembled their barrage with pinpoint precision, individually parrying their strikes and knocking each of them down with a spinning sweep kick. Trevor had to roll to narrowly avoid an earth-splitting punch to the floor. Jett let out a bemused scoff as the trio desperately scuttled away.

"Is this truly the best you three can do? All you've managed to do so far is run away like cowards- It's a wonder how you've managed to survive for so long as explorers. I almost feel bad for having to finish you off."

Opening both of her pincers, Jett released a barrage of massive, flashing lasers straight towards the trio, each member having to frantically scatter and dive away to avoid being incinerated by the ensuing explosions. In just a few minutes of narrowly dodging lasers and explosions, Trevor, Aiden, and Rin were all left covered in soot and gasping for breath as the battlefield became obscured in a cloud of dust and smoke.

"Nothings working!" Aiden shouted frantically amidst a series of heaved coughs, "You got a plan, Treph?!"

Trevor grimaced, realizing how dire the situation was. "Yeah, though it's more a last resort than anything! You guys may not like it!"

"We'll take anything at this point!" Rin insisted, clutching his chest while gasping for air. "Tell us what to do, and we'll do it!"

"Alright," Trevor heaved a great sigh, "Here goes..."

As the surrounding smoke steadily began to dissipate, Jett was immediately greeted by Trevor charging straight towards her, his sharp, slender claws locked in a defensive cross. With a dismissive scoff and yet another lightning-fast punch, Jett pushed back against Trevor's attack with relative ease.

"Stupid human," she muttered as Trevor grinded against her pincer, desperately straining to keep up with her incalculable strength, "Three left ribs already broken and you still refuse to give in to justice? Let this be a lesson to anyone who dares defy a Legend!"

Jett proceeded to slam her spare pincer directly onto the Trevor's left side, causing a sharp crack resonate through the air as Trevor coughed up yet another huge glob of blood. The Meowth was sent crashing several meters to the side, beaten and barely conscious as he strained to even draw breath.

No sooner had Trevor been knocked away when Rin immediately swooped in while brandishing both of his water blades aggressively. Despite his efforts to keep up with Jett's speed and precision, the Scizor was simply too experienced, and Rin's face was rendered battered and bloodied in a matter of seconds. And yet, the Dewott stubbornly held his ground and refused to topple over, even as his entire body became subject to brutal blow after brutal blow. Jett creased her eyes in visible confusion.

"Your resilience is admirable, but you of all humans should know just how unmatched your swordsmanship is compared to mine. You should be well aware that you can't possibly defeat me."

"Oh, I know," Rin grunted amidst harsh breaths, visibly struggling to retain consciousness. The Dewott suddenly broke out into a bloodstained smile. "You still don't see it, huh?"

"Hm? What are you-"

With a great burst of water, Rin propelled himself backwards to reveal Aiden a few meters away, a roaring ball of fire firmly wedged between the ground and the sole of her foot. Jett's attention was then drawn towards Trevor's bag sitting right next to her legs, a pile of Blast Seeds spilling from its open flap.

"What?! When did-"

Jett's mind flashed back to when she had knocked Trevor back mere moments earlier, how easily he had let himself become subject to even more injuries for seemingly no reason, how Rin had instantly rushed in to distract her. Before she even had a chance to curse herself for this momentary lapse in judgment, Aiden had already slammed her foot towards the flaming ball's side and sent it careening towards the pile of Blast Seeds littering her feet. A billowing pillar of fire rose into the heavens where Jett once stood with a roar which echoed for miles, the Scizor now completely obscured by wave after wave of concentrated, billowing flames.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rising SpiritsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora