Chapter 1, Part 3 - The Town of Dreams

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Trevor's limbs ached slightly as he arose from his newly made straw nest, rays of the morning sun having seeped through the window blinds and illuminated the interior of Aiden's house with a warm glow. Looking down, he found a familiar set of fuzzy paws staring him back alongside the messily applied bandages which tightly wrapped his lean, fragile chest. Releasing a deep sigh of resignation, the Meowth looked sideways only to find that Aiden wasn't in her own bed, which lay adjacent to his. With a strained grunt, Trevor slowly pulled himself up to his feet, stumbled his way across the messy wooden floors of the house, and slowly pushed the front door open.

Upon exiting the house, Trevor instantly raised his paws to shield his eyes from the morning sun before huddling from the chilly winds which brushed against his short, beige-colored fur. He found himself standing on a dirt road that led to a two-way intersection, the entirety of which was barricaded by a sea of grass that swayed and danced with the fickle breeze. In the middle of said intersection stood Aiden, impatiently tapping her foot at a rapid pace. She let out a wide smile upon noticing Trevor walking towards her.

"Look who finally decided to wake up!" Aiden declared enthusiastically, "Jeez, you sleep like a log! I was starting to wonder whether you would let the entire morning pass you by!"

"Mmm, sorry," Trevor muttered, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the morning sunlight. "I've... never been a morning guy."

Aiden worriedly glanced towards Trevor's bandaged body. "How's your chest feeling? Here, have one of these."

She handed Trevor another Oran Berry, which Trevor immediately began tearing into with delight. "Thank you," he struggled to say in between excessively large bites.

"Don't mention it. We'll need all the strength we can muster for today, cause we're gonna take a short hike to Sunrise Town!"

"Sunrise Town?" Trevor asked as he finished devouring the berry in a matter of seconds.

"Only the best town for any aspiring explorer!" Aiden answered excitedly, "When I moved to this continent, I specifically chose to move into whatever house was closest to Sunrise Town! Cost a fortune, but I couldn't pass up the chance to live near the famous 'Town of Dreams,' now could I?" Aiden placed a paw on Trevor's shoulder, her bright, yellow eyes flashing excitedly. "We're just gonna go there to officially register our team and do a bit of shopping. I'll give you the grand tour since you're from far away. Y'know, being human and all."

Aiden let out a well-humored chuckle. Trevor nervously tried his best to do the same.

"Alright, let's hurry! We don't have any time to waste!" Aiden began sprinting off before suddenly spinning around and running back inside.

"Whoops, can't forget about my bag!" Aiden said hastily, "It's got all my money in it, after all! ...Where is it?!"

Trevor continued to stand silently with a worried look as a cacophony of noise erupted from the open door of Aiden's home, the Scorbunny practically turning the place inside out in an attempt to find her misplaced satchel. "What... have I gotten myself into?" the Meowth thought to himself.

The pair began jogging along the dirt path, Aiden eagerly maintaining a steady pace while Trevor exhaustively tried to keep up with his new legs. Along the way, the pair passed by a group of Pokémon consisting of a lean Sudowoodo, a stern-faced Graveler, and a tiny Roggenrola struggling to keep up using her tiny feet, all of whom donned with purple scarves wrapped around different appendages. Trevor gawked at the trio, craning his neck and staring with wide eyes as they passed by. He wondered if they could talk in the same way Aiden could.

"By the way," Aiden suddenly asked as the once distant silhouette of Sunrise Town steadily drew near, "You got any ideas for a team name?"

"A... name?"

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