"Uh, you see, Taehyung's mom is coming today so there's a party at their place and Jimin told me if you wanted to come with me?" he asked me very politely with a soft smile "please?"

Taehyung never once talked to me about his family, it was like a comfort zone that we both respected. It was never my business anyway because we weren't a thing that he could boast to them

But now, I wonder what I should feel when I meet her. Is she kind? or is she cruel? even so, it's nothing new to me. I've been around harsh people most of my life

"I don't think I have anything to do with that" I turned him down politely just like how he asked me out and Niki coughs "Noona doesn't like gatherings, Hyung."

and with the large frown on Jungkook's lip I thought that he would get mad and throw a fit just like he would usually do but instead he took a deep breath and looked away "why don't you want to go?"

"I don't like being around you" I said and looked away. Thinking to myself if I said the right thing, I'm pretty sure he's going to hurt me right after this "Niki, can you go first?" he asked my brother

"What? No-"

"I won't do anything, I promise" he pat his back and forced him to stand up, I nodded at him to leave and he did leave, hesitantly "don't hit me in public, that's quite rude"

He sighs "I won't"

He scoffed before slouching on the bench more "are you still mad at me?" he asks a bit agitatedly while throwing me that dirty look, I rolled my eyes "what do you think? you're just going to leave me at the party anyway."

The image of my father and Jungkook's mother mushed up my mind torridly "I hate people like you, too arrogant and self-centered" and once again, I remind myself how big their world is compared to mine

And the same goes to Taehyung

I may have thought I knew about his life but the truth is I only knew the parts. And getting involved with his world will mess up mine and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that

"I'm trying here" he stands up and gazes at me intently "I'm trying to make things work out for us because I love you! what in the fucking world should I do to make you realize that!"

Love is such a funny thing. One time they'll tell you they love and the next thing you bleed because they believe that's how love should work out as. I never saw love with rose colored glasses, it was black.

To me, love was always dull and dead.

My first love was you, Jungkook but I know deep down inside it won't be the last.

In the end, I didn't attend that heinous party. I simply hate socializing with problematic wealthy people. They'll just look down on me anyway.

Instead, I'm going to this restaurant for the night. We had a double date right at this table. In my mind, a smattering of happy memories surfaced.

I miss Taehyung

So much so that just thinking about him causes me pain; his voice, smile, and even his mere presence are killing me.

I'd like to get rid of everything. Obviously, we're both stuck in the past, and I believe that's the biggest mistake we've both made.

I was wrong to blame his sincerity for rage. "I think I should go home, I forgot my scarf and it's freezing" I said as I stood up and walked outside when my gaze was drawn to something.

There was Taehyung and a beautiful woman

she put a scarf around his neck and kissed his cheek, and he offered a smile in exchange

All of a sudden my body seemed to dive deep down in heavy confusion as I hid behind a tree. He smiled at her so lovingly that it started to squeeze my chest painfully

He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead before she went in the taxi, and as it drove away his sight never drifted away. That annoying smile still plastered in his lips

Is she his girlfriend? sister? what?

I felt my fingers clenching as I stare at the ground. I'm so bent with all these thoughts, I don't even know if my jurisdiction is acceptable or not

I hate it when he smiles like that

That smile that I loved so much

It hurts when it's not me

I take a deep breath and scroll through my phone, the cold is too gruesome for my mended heart. My lips feel so cold that they hurt

They were trembling as he finally answered my call "Tzuyu, is something wrong?"

"Can I sleep at your place, Jin?"



"Took you long enough" the moment Taehyung opened the door he took a step back and pondered about leaving or not from what he's seeing


His gaze lingered on the girl sleeping next to Jin on the couch "hi, Taehyung"

he took his scarf and coat off and approached them "where's her coat? you could have given her a blanket" he scoffed and wrapped his scarf around her neck, and drapped his coat over her body

"you're too kind" Jin laughed as Taehyung laid back on the couch in front of the two

"I'm not kind all the time, don't take it to heart" he responds to the remark in frustration "and mind telling me what she's doing here?"

"That's not a nice thing to say, Taehyung. She came to me in a bad state" the timid boy seemed to be affected by such little words as he looked away and licked his lips "You ditched your own mom's party?"

"My mom was late as well, we had dinner first" he said casually and tried to steal a glance at her in secret, Jin scoffed a smile "take a picture, it'll last longer"

And this silent treatment gives Jin an idea about the possible tension between them if ever Tzuyu was awake

"did you two have a fight?" and he thought his words hit the right area "I guess."

"Is this about your past again? let it go-"

"I keep forgetting where I stand in her life" he laughed nervously "I keep thinking if she ever loved me seriously?"

"I always saw her as the kind of woman a guy would come back for" Taehyung said and gave her a glance under those precious eyes of his, he smiled tenderly

"How can I let go when every breath and every hour I still end up thinking of her?" Jin grins from the serenedaing words he rarely hears from his friend "the finest moments in my life were with you"


"And I just want to ask if you felt the same about me all this time."

"Because I did. I loved you even when it would be my loss in the end. I gave you all of my love when all you could give back to me was half" he avoided eye contact with Jin and I saw his eyes glisten

"I want to be a better man for you, I'm too weak right now."

Jin looked at Tzuyu then back to Taehyung

You're more than enough to her

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