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The wind blew across the rooftop of The Spirit. The outdoor heaters worked hard to fight the biting cold, minimising it to a chill. 

Stella sat beside Cas with a smile on her face and a glass in her hand while they awaited midnight and they could all ring in the new year with optimism and positivity.

Gabrielle grinned at them and sat herself across from the couple. Stella's gaze swept the crowd. They were mostly Gabrielle's friends, save for their usual group adding on Leonardo and Ruben.

Some people were already drunk, and they'd been that way since ten that night. Stella laughed when she saw a drunk guy trying incredibly hard to charm Scarlett but was soon rescued by Dante who was crushed into a hug by the large guy. The man was being rather innocent in his advances and not at all vulgar toward Scarlett who was a little flustered from both the drink and embarrassment.

"Where's Lexi and Lucas tonight?" Gabrielle asked as she sipped her cocktail.

"They're both spending time with their friends," Robert replied.

"Oh, I thought we'd be seeing Lexi at least." 

Stella shrugged. "She's with June, I believe." 

"Does she still see her old friends?" Gabrielle's brows pulled together. "I've never heard of her other friends since her birthday party. That Hazel seemed like a lovely girl." 

"I don't know. We haven't really seen or heard of them, actually." Stella hummed in thought. 

Gabrielle's eyebrows pulled together before she just shrugged it off. 

"Do you think she's abandoned her poorer friends for the pretentious twits?" Victoria drawled. 

A laugh escaped Gabrielle at her description before she sighed. "I don't know. Could be wrong."

"Let's not worry about this, it's new year's!" Stella smiled and sipped her cocktail. 

Cas was pulled away by Daniel and Robert to chat. 

"Oh, yes, when are you two going away?" Victoria leaned forward and glanced at the man who excused himself.

"Late January," Stella replied. 

Gabrielle giggled and winked. "Perfect opportunity to get down and dirty."

Stella shook her head with a light blush. "You know I don't believe in relations before marriage," she muttered. "Besides, it's much too soon for sex."

"I'm just teasing, Stella-Belle." Gabrielle smiled.

Victoria pursed her lips and looked at her friend in thought. "Stella," she caught her attention, "you know if something does happen, you're not going to be shamed or chided for it, right? It's something between the two of you and if it feels right, then no one is allowed to judge you." She smiled. "I'll crush them if they do." 

Stella smiled and Gabrielle nodded in agreement. 

She held tight onto her principles of no sex before marriage. It was definitely frowned upon, but it wasn't just the society's credence that had her beliefs so set. It was also how she felt. She knew Cas would respect and honor her, that wasn't a concern. She always wanted to save herself for the man called her husband, and she wanted to completely trust and maybe even love him when that happened. 

She trusted and liked Cas a lot, but she knew it wasn't love and they were still discovering what that was.  

"Thank you, Victoria."  

At five to twelve Victoria and Daniel excused themselves to head downstairs. Casper returned to her side. He furrowed his brows and leaned into Stella. "Is she alright?"

Stella sent him a smile and nodded. "She just doesn't like the sound of fireworks."

"Oh," Casper nodded and sipped his drink as he tucked Stella beneath his arm.

"Let's move and get the best view!" Gabrielle called and dragged everyone to the railing where they would be able to see the fireworks rain over the entire city.

A countdown began in the background and Stella took the time to breathe in the chilled air and enjoyed the sounds of people cheering and laughing.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered and the fireworks were off. Bathing the night sky in explosions of purples, greens, blues, reds, yellows. There was all a manner of patterns and shapes as they fizzed and banged with life.

Couples kissed and random strangers grabbed a partner to kiss away the lonely night.

Stella turned to Cas with a smile and threw her arms around his neck.

"Happy new year." He smiled and kissed her. His hand cupped her jaw as they shared a kiss that went for long enough to have them both flushed and breathing a little harder than normal. His thumb swept her tender lip and she smiled up at him.

 "Happy New Year," she breathed.

Cas wished he could take a photograph of the sight. Her cheeks were pink beneath the fireworks dying her skin a kaleidoscope of colour, but most of all he wanted to capture the smile on her lips and the sparkle in her eye that held no burden or worry, but he settled for having it forever ingrained in his memory.

He planted another kiss on her lips before Stella was pulled away by a shouting Gabrielle who was jumping around and wishing everyone a great new year. Stella and Robert exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheeks before chatting and laughing. 

There was so much happiness and revelry. Everyone wore smiles as excitement thrummed through the air. The fireworks died down and the music was once again heard over the cacophony of noise.

A hand grabbed Stella's arm and she whirled around to see a fuming Victoria. Her eyes were deadly and lips pressed in a thin line. All joy drained from Stella and was replaced with dread.

"What's wrong?"

Victoria passed over her phone and she looked at the social media pages and platforms people used to air the dirty laundry of the elite.

Stella's face paled and she scrolled through the pictures on the screen. Comments and verbal attacks were commented beneath. Some targeting Henry Palmer but others ridiculing the state Scarlett was reduced to. 

"Where's Scarlett?" Her head whipped around to find the petite brunette, but she was nowhere in sight.

"I don't know." Victoria shook her head. Daniel came up behind her.

"She left." A frown set on his face and worry lines were clear. Mr and Mrs Talbot, no doubt called her back.

Their sombre air caught the attention of their friends who moved them to a table. Ruben pulled his phone from his pocket and grimaced. Henry Palmer's conquests and trysts came to light. There were photographs of Scarlett crying on the side of the road. 

"We need to make sure she get's home okay," Stella muttered and looked to Alastair who had his phone to his ear.

He hung up and looked at them. "I just sent one of our security to track her down and make sure she gets home alright. He'll message me when he's got his sights on her."

Stella nodded and scowled at the notifications that caused her phone to buzz almost non-stop.

"Oh my god," Gabrielle shook her head, "poor Scarlett. What's going to happen now?"

"Now?" A slow, eerie smile curled Victoria's lips. "We hunt down the bitch who did this." 

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