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be careful

As the lunch rush was slowing to a trickle, there weren't many people in the café. There were some students who dropped by to grab a beverage or a sweet treat, but most were professionals wanting a kick to tide them over until it was time to go home. 

It was a nice space in an advantageous location, giving access to the office workers during the week and those who stayed out all night on the weekends or fancied a laid back brunch.

It was the café Lexi decided to sit and spy her love interest but decided she liked the rustic industrial charm and found it a great place to study. Her false nails tapped on her laptop keys as she worked while Hozier murmured from the speakers in the ceiling. Occasionally the barista would sing along to some of the words as he cleaned.

It was only the third week of college, and she was already up to her elbows in schoolwork. She just wanted to go out with her friends and party. She already missed the free days with little to do but shop and have fun. With a sigh she focused on her work and sipped her frappe.

"Good afternoon, what would you like today?" The voice of the manager caught her attention.

"Just a cappuccino," the man's voice rumbled and seemed to go straight through Lexi. Her mouth parted and eyes widened as she looked at his suit clad back and his brown tousled hair.

"Stay or to go?"

"To go, thank you."

"It won't be too long." The lady took his money and gave him his change, which he put into the tip jar. He put his hands in his pockets and stepped back.

It was as if the world was turning in slow motion. Lexi watched as his blue eyes glanced around the comfortable café. Something caught his eye out the window, and he turned. The sunlight hit his face, making his features look a touch softer and even more perfect to the girl whose mouth turned dry. She licked her lips in the hopes to create saliva and snap herself out of her daze.

She stood up, balled her hands into fists and approached him step by step. She wished she wore a nice dress instead of a humble shirt and jeans. Her hand smoothed over her hair, and she came to a stop behind him.

"Excuse me," her voice wavered, she squeezed her eyes closed at the sound.

"Yes?" he turned around and looked down at the girl who barely reached his chest.

"Um," she cleared her throat. "You probably don't remember me, but a few months ago you helped me when I was a bit... drunk and unable to get myself home." She inwardly cursed herself  for being so embarrassing.

"Oh, yes, I recall." He looked at her again and furrowed his brows. "You're the Callahans' stepsister, yes?"

Her big green eyes blinked up at him. "You know the Callahans?"


"Sir, here's your coffee." The lady smiled and set his cup down.

"Thank you," he murmured and picked the cup up before turning to Lexi. "If you'll excuse me."

"Please wait!" Lexi called and stopped him in his tracks. He sighed and looked at her. "Let me pay you back for the cab fare." She hurried over to her purse and frowned when her frantic fingers couldn't find the cash she wanted.

"There's really no need." Obviously if he was in the same circle as the Callahans, he didn't need to worry about just a bit of money.

"Please," her green eyes begged him and made him sigh. He checked his watch. "I don't have the cash on me, but perhaps I can get your number and I can send it to you online or meet up with you and pass it on." She bit her lip. "Please, you saved me that night. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't passed? My conscience would nag at me if I didn't pay you back."

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