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the man with no name

They left their coats with the coat check and followed the crowds to the ballroom.

"Don't you ever get sick of seeing ballrooms?" Lucas frowned.

"All the time," Robert and Stella replied with a flat stare.

The attendants opened the ballroom doors and the group entered. The room was predominantly white and gold with tasteful balloon garlands and gorgeous centrepieces. Crowds turned to look at them and murmured amongst themselves. Stella put on a smile as she looked through crowds. She could spot few familiar faces. She saw the heir from the Livingstons and a few other family members. 

Gabrielle and Dante's groups were an array of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds and walks of life. There were friends from college and high school or friends they had accumulated along the way. 

When Stella was a few years younger, she tried to engage with them, but it seemed they never warmed up to her much. She ended up feeling embarrassed at the painfully polite chatter that held no substance or much interest. 

Victoria couldn't care less if they weren't interested. 

Stella looked around and spotted Victoria in the crowd and made a beeline. Smiling and greeting people as she passed.

"Victoria, Daniel," she kissed her cheeks. "How are the two of you?"

"We're good." Daniel smiled and greeted her. "How are you?"

"I'm good."

"Hello!" Scarlett came up to them.

"Hello," Stella smiled. "Did Henry come with you?"

"No, he didn't get an invitation." She smiled.

"I would have been surprised if he did." Victoria chuckled.

"When is Gabrielle making her grand entrance?"

"Soon, I hope." Victoria sighed. "This place is only interesting with her in it."

"I'm offended." Alastair came up to them, champagne in hand.

Victoria rolled her eyes at him. "Fine, it's only interesting with her and you in it. Better?"

"Much." He grinned.

Stella chuckled and stood next to Lexi.

"I really want to see her dress!" Lexi exclaimed. "She's been hyping it up so much, I'm sure it won't disappoint."

"She never disappoints," Stella pointed out. 

Alastair looked around. "I don't see any karaoke."

"Look outside." Victoria pointed to the undercover terrace that was set up with a tv and lounges.

"Oh, yes. Gabrielle is my favourite." He grinned.

"I heard someone bought them a car as an engagement gift." Edward wandered over. "There's a whole room full of gifts and I'm sure none of it is under five thousand."

"Rich people are crazy," Lucas muttered.

"That kind of includes you now, doesn't it?" Alastair raised a brow.

Lucas only shrugged. "It's not really my money though."

Stella ruffled his hair. "You're such a good boy."

He glared at her, his lips fighting a smile. "Don't demean me."

"I would never!" She grinned at him. "Did you and Father go to that car exhibition you wanted to go to?"

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