Chapter 26: The Stages of Pregnancy

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I totally have not already made cute art for when the mystery baby is born. I don't know what you're talking about O.o.

"Oooh, what about Jazz?"

Cassandra looked up from the dagger she was sharpening and raised an eyebrow. "Jazz?"

"...Yeah, you're right. Too musicy." Rapunzel tapped her finger on her chin. "Hmm.... Oh! How about Rosemary?"

"If you name our kid that, I'm divorcing you."

"Uggh, fine." Rapunzel pouted then thought for a second before she gave Cass a sheepish smile. "How about Blair?"

"Bla- What?" Cassandra had to put her dagger down for that one and fixed Rapunzel with a deadpan look. "What kind of name is that?"

"Ugh, I don't know! It's not like I've ever thought about this kind of stuff!"

"Didn't you and Eugene ever talk about having kids?"

Rapunzel shrugged. "Not really. The only time it came up in conversation was when you, Lance and Shorty got turned into kids." Rapunzel fixed Cassandra with a teasing grin. "I feel bad for your dad. You were not easy to take care of or keep track of." Cassandra huffed and threw a pillow at her, making the princess laugh. "...But, I gotta admit, you were a pretty cute kid." She paused. "And you grew up to be a pretty hot adult."

"Raps!" Cassandra blushed.

"What?" Rapunzel chuckled, crossing her arms. "I'm only saying the truth." Cassandra, still flustered, mumbled something incoherently and rolled her eyes. It had been nearly three months since they both found out about the mystery baby (that was what they were calling it until they could figure out a name) and both women agreed that until the baby was born, it was best to stay in one place. Of course, Dallas and the townspeople fixed them with a temporary home until they were ready to leave again. Dallas had been a sweetheart through all of this and had helped them in any way she could. The townspeople already started to deliver baby gifts to the point where Cassandra had to start politely turning them down.

As time went on, the excitement for the baby rose. Rapunzel was ecstatic now, unlike how she was before when she first found out, and she spent nearly every day talking about it. Cassandra had never seen her so happy before and it warmed her heart. Cass herself was equally excited, though she didn't show it as much. The townspeople have already made their guesses on what the gender of the child was gonna be, it was like a game now, but Rapunzel was convinced it was gonna be a girl like Cassandra said.

Cassandra sighed and turned to her. "Raps, we don't even know the gender. How can we name it?"

"Mothers intuition. Besides, you were the one that said they were a girl in the first place."

"I said it was a hunch."

"Uh Huh and when are you ever wrong?"

"You only ever admit that when you're set on it yourself."

"Exactly!" Rapunzel grinned as she rose to her feet. She climbed into the armchair where Cassandra was sitting and sat in her lap, facing her as she folded her legs down so that she was sitting directly in her lap.

Cassandra chuckled. "Well, hi there."

"Hi." Rapunzel responded with an ecstatic smile as she cuddled into her. Much like most pregnant women, Rapunzel had some serious mood swings and cravings. She's gone from happy, to sad, to happy again, to crying to just being happy. Anger was a big one too. They had gotten into more fights in the last three months than they had the entire time they've known each other. And that was saying something. Cassandra learned to just try and avoid the storm but it always seemed to follow her nonetheless.

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