Chapter 25: Fixing the Unbreakable

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Warnings: major angst, suicidal thoughts/idealation, mentions of self-harming. A sex-scene at the end. Angst with a happy ending. (Or will there? >:3)

Rapunzel had been released from being bedridden a couple days prior after being stuck in bed for nearly three weeks. She was still healing so they weren't allowed to leave the nice village they found themselves in, but she was allowed to leave the room and actually get up and walk around instead of staying in the bed all day.

Due to Cass killing their wanted predator, the village was incredibly grateful and have been ever so nice. Rapunzel and Cass were able to leave the hospital once Rapunzel was freed from bedrest and they found themselves in a pretty fancy hotel room for free. They tried to decline but the villagers pushed on anyway.

They had become pretty good friends with the young woman that warned Cassandra all those weeks ago. Her name was Dallas. She was very similar to Rapunzel in a lot of ways and being in her presence relaxed them both. She showed them around the village and gave them tips on which places to shop at, or eat at, and which places to avoid because they were terrible. Dallas was apparently the headmaster's daughter and much like Rapunzel in Corona, she had a lot of power and was very much adored. She didn't use the power to her advantage though, only when it was necessary. But the town was more than happy to do anything for their 'saviors' so it wasn't really a problem.

Cassandra had left the hotel room to go collect more supplies and currently, Rapunzel was staring at an object in her hand in horror. How could this happen? It wasn't possible.. It couldn't be possible. It couldn't be true. How could this happen? Rapunzel's hands shook as she stared at the positive pregnancy test in her hand. How was she gonna explore the dangerous lands, while getting ready to fight a dangerous battle, pregnant? God, how was she going to tell Cass?

Even though Rapunzel knew it wasn't her fault, she still felt like she betrayed her wife. Would Cass hate her? Would she leave her? Would she decide this wasn't what she wanted and leave? Would Cass be disgusted with her? Be mad at her? Would she turn away? Rapunzel was practically hyperventilating at this point. Everything was spinning, she couldn't focus, and no matter what she did, she couldn't calm herself down. She felt like she was dying. Was she dying? Rapunzel was starting to get dizzy. She barely heard the door open and close.

And that's how her new friend, Dallas, found her. Hyperventilating, spiraling out of control, crying and all-in-all freaking out. Dallas was by her side in a second as she placed a supportive hand on her back. "Woah, hey, breathe girl, breathe!" Rapunzel tried to listen to the soothing, honey-like voice of her friend but she could barely even hear or register her. Everything was distant as a million negative thoughts rushed through her mind. She didn't even register Dallas getting up and rushing away but she did vaguely hear her mention Cass's name but she didn't hear the rest of what she said.

Rapunzel had no idea how long it had been. She knew it had been some minutes. 10? 20? 30? She had no clue. She was starting to grow even dizzier and everything was starting to grow dark. She couldn't see her surroundings. She couldn't focus on them. She wasn't able to register the sound of a door slamming and a worried Cass rushing in. Cassandra quickly knelt to the ground in front of her and tightly gripped, but still softly, the princess's shoulders. "Raps? Hey, Rapunzel? Come on, breathe! Hey, look at me, Raps, come on, listen to my voice," Rapunzel's eyes slowly opened (when had she closed them?) as she tried to focus on Cass's worried eyes and tried to focus on the sound of her voice. When did Cassandra even get there?

"Breathe. Come on, breathe with me Raps." Cassandra said softly as she took a couple deep breaths. "...1." Rapunzel followed as she slowly tried to level out her breathing. "Good." Cassandra took another deep breath and released it. Rapunzel followed. "...2." Slowly Rapunzel's senses slowly came back to her as she followed after Cassandra. "That's my girl. Come on, one more." She took a final deep breathe. "....and 3." Finally, Rapunzel took that final breath and her body relaxed but the panic inside her didn't disappear. Cassandra let out a sigh of relief as she brought the still freaked out girl in her arms and held her close. Cassandra snapped her eyes up to the worried Dallas. "What happened?" Dallas flinched. Cass didn't mean to glare at her nor did she mean for that to sound as venomous as it did but her worry for Rapunzel got the best of her.

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