Chapter 12: Lost of Control

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Warning: Mentions of rape and blood. Sexual-harassment are also present in this chapter. Very much angst as well. Good luck!

Cassandra was looking at her map. There was a village only a couple miles away, but Cassandra was hesitant. She knew Rapunzel was affenionete, so taking her into a village full of people while she was all over her didn't seem very appealing. She knew Rapunzel said she didn't care about what other people think of them, but Cassandra cared. She didn't care about what other people thought of her, she was used to it. But Rapunzel had never been bullied or hurt or anything of the sort. The worst thing that someone ever said to her was "booo" and Rapunzel didn't take it that well. Besides herself, of course. But when she had the moonstone, she never really called the princess a name. She was angry and upset and maybe a little sarcastic, but she never called her something mean. That just wasn't her, no matter how not her she seemed.

Rapunzel said she didn't care. And she loved her for that. She knew Rapunzel would never leave her no matter what anyone said, but she also knew that she was a people pleaser. She was sensitive and easily hurt. Sure, she had gotten better over the years, but Rapunzel was still Rapunzel. She didn't know the feeling of being hated, looked at with disgust, of being outcasted. Cassandra didn't want to expose her to that sort of thing. It was inevitable, it was bound to happen, but she wanted to protect her as long as she could.

But she didn't exactly have a choice. They were low on supplies, on food, and it would be stupid not to stop to restock. They needed too. She just hoped Rapunzel could keep her hands to herself for a couple hours. Hell, she hoped she could keep her hands to herself for a couple of hours. Ever since their first intimacy, which was nearly a week ago, they hadn't gone a night where they couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

She wasn't very pleased about the village they were going to either. They were known for being judgmental and known for outright attacking anyone who was different from them. Especially when it came to same-sex relationships. They were known to be worse than Corona and Corona was the second most homophobic place on the planet. The village, known as Brakley, was the first.

Rapunzel wasn't as innocent as she thought, but she was still innocent to the cruelty and dangers of the world. This village was brutal. In the stories she heard, the things she nearly witnessed as a child, (her father had to travel there but there wasn't a babysitter that could watch Cassandra so she was forced to go with him), they did more than just sentence them to death. They did the worst things imaginable. They raped the women, whether it be children or adults, and made one of them watch the other get brutally killed in front of them. In some cases, they tortured them so badly until they dropped dead. They needed to be really, really careful. She didn't want Rapunzel to know any of that, but she had to make sure she understood that it was dangerous.

"Hey, Raps," Cassandra started carefully as she tried to figure out how to tell Rapunzel that this place was dangerous without telling her why. "This next village.."

"Yeah, I know." Rapunzel responded casually and it made Cassandra stop to look at her in confusion.

"Know what?"

"The next village where we're heading too. Dangerous, I know. Keep it casual, got it." When Cassandra just continued looking at her in confusion and slight surprise, Rapunzel turned to her. "Cass, I'm a princess. It's literally my job to know about other places, other kingdoms. I was forced to read books about all of them."

"And it doesn't... bother you?"

"Why would it?"

"Well, if you know about the place, then you must know..." Cassandra stopped for a second, hoping that she actually didn't know their brutal actions. She never wanted Rapunzel to know what the cruel world was actually like. ".....what happens if we're caught."

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