I make it to standing position, although my knees quiver warily, and I stumble back a bit, water slouching around my knees.

Hale grabs my arms, steadying me.

"Don't look!" I admonish, making to cover myself, but Hale's grip is too tight.

He sighs irritably, tilting his head upward. "I'm trying to help you."

Eventually he releases me, and I shakily wrap the towel around myself, tucking it into itself. Once I'm sufficiently covered, I rest my hand on Hale's shoulder for leverage, not minding the wet spot it leaves.

"I'm still so weak," I drawl, swaying uneasily.

Hale sighs through his nose. "Here."

With a quiet yelp, I'm swept up into his arms, and carried to my bedroom. He gently sets me down onto my bed, before stepping back. It doesn't appear like he's about to leave my room, though.

"Do I need to dress you?" He raises a brow, gaze tracing down to my bare legs, which hang off the edge of the bed.

"Absolutely not." I grumble, bracing myself up on my elbows. It dawns on me, however, that I'll be left to sit here all night if I don't get help. "Can you get me some clothes?"

I batter my eyelashes coyly, nodding toward the dresser.

He goes to stand over by it. "Point me to the right drawer."

"Panties are in that one." I point to the left drawer, watching him open it, rifling around. My eyes narrow. His magic may have supplied a great deal of my new belongings, but seeing him choosing my underwear is a new level of bizarre.

"Why not go without?" He muses, glancing over his shoulder at me, devious smile tilting at his lips.

"Hale!" I snap.

"White ones it is."

He plucks out a pair he finds satisfactory, balls them up and tosses them at me. I reach out and grab the lace, wondering if there's anything solid I can send flying at his face in my close vicinity.

"You're not funny," I mumble, spreading the underwear out.

"Do you need-"

"No, I can get them on myself. Turn around," I order.

Thankfully he obeys with no protest, turning his back to me. With my eyes trained on his back, I slip my panties on, careful to ensure he doesn't turn for a peek.

"Okay, now I should have a white top in that drawer?" I exclaim.

He picks through it. "No sleeves?"


He tosses it at me again, and I twist my finger. "Turn around."

I peel the towel back again, and quickly pull the shirt over my head. But before I have the chance to pull the towel back over myself, Hale turns, assuming I'm finished.

"Hey, way too early!" I scold, pressing my legs together.

He goes silent, and something dark and devilish flares in his eyes as they sweep over me. Anymore words of protest are lost in my throat, seeing the look of pure torture come across his perfect features.

I know what he sees. My damp torso has my shirt sticking close to my skin, revealing the obvious curve of my breasts and outline of my nipples. And my panties are on full display, until I snap out of my trance, tugging the towel back over me.

"You're breath-taking," Hale murmurs distractedly.

"You shouldn't be looking," I say breathlessly. Neither of us need that kind of temptation right now, when we are meant to be carrying on as normal.

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