"Don't make a scandal, you're embarrassing yourself."

I said while there was no demeanor all over my face, I said nothing else except for I pivoted to begin strolling again and let her be in tears. I believed she's someone I don't have the foggiest idea, I'm too kind to even think about aiding her.

"Do you want your home?" I out of nowhere heard that inquiry from Lia when I previously made a couple of strides. Same story, different day, I pivot to her still with no articulation by any means. She wipes every one of her tears on her cheeks as she strolls toward me with a pleased face as though she's challenging me.

"I'll give you back your home if by some stroke of good luck you let Jungkook and his Dad along together once more." She said as she contact my pig tail, this young lady truly are insane. I simply stay quiet and don't want to talk, vehicle passing by however her boisterous futile arrangement moving toward my ear.

"So you can undoubtedly draw near to Mr Jeon otherwise known as your Sugar Daddy and obliterate his family once more?"

I said straight without stammering, she grasp her jaw to what I said as she unexpectedly plan to slap me again however I'm not to ease back like her to grab her wrist and hold it tight so she can't do any more.

"Truth harms. Be that as it may, I couldn't care less about my home any longer."


"Thank you, this is cute." Mr Kim Seokjin said as he investigate the cake I purchased, I grin to him as I gestured my head before getting the case of cake to put it inside the refrigerator. It's presently right now very nearly 6 PM, I saw a couple of food varieties on the counter that is really great for a couple of individuals.

"Something else to cook, Sir? How might I help?" My inquiry as I approach Mr Kim Seokjin who's putting a few fixings to the food his preparing on the container, Mr Kim Seokjin look at me as he grins before I notice he shook his head.

"No, this is the final remaining one. There's just only have few foods for this evening because only people in here are included." Mr Kim Seokjin said.

I gestured my head as it feels enjoyable to contemplate Mr and Ms Jeon commending their leave just with individuals here, I might be glad for them yet I believe I'll decide to be with my granddad for a decent hours to at minimum make it up for my granddad for being occupied for an entire month.

"You can likewise welcome your boy bestfriend to celebrate with us." Mr Kim Seokjin added, I admire him as I bend my lips into a little smile prior to shaking my head making Mr Kim Seokjin show his confounded face.

"I couldn't imagine anything better. But, I think I miss spending time with my granddad after my entire month of being busy." I said before advancing on the wall cupboard where the plates are place, I get a couple of it then to advancing back on the counter to put down the plates I get before to admiring Mr Kin Seokjin who watching each move I make.

"No, I won't let you. Allow your granddad to enjoy with us to atleast decrease pressure, as well."

Mr Kim Seokjin said that makes me grin. Fool me, I didn't think about it yet I just gestured to him as we both laugh. I return to the wall cupboard to get a couple of plates again as Mr Kim Seokjin finishing the food he's preparing, I put the plate down on the counter as I heard my telephone ringing.

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