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"Kane, what are you doing? In fact-" I watched closely as Magnus dropped the arm but motioned for the Kane to follow him, they stepped a few metres away to talk in hushed tones. I strained my ears to listen, but too distracted by the penetrating stares of the other five, all directed toward myself, I could not concentrate before they had finished their little talk.
"Sorry, Skye. Let's go guys!" Kane spoke, waving everyone off, I watched as they strode away, a little less mission their but still a march.

I spun my attention to Magnus. "Wanna explain?" I questioned pointedly, slightly annoyed at being in the blue.
He scoffed and shook his head, staring off behind me.
"Unless you want to be interrupted by your friends we should talk somewhere else." His hard tone suggested he wasn't too pleased either.

"Right, this is far enough, you gonna explain?"
I spoke, sounding harsher than in my head, I was gonna add on something to soothe it but he beat me to it.
"Me explain? What's this coming from the person who disappeared for two days?"
Good point. "Fair enough, but why did they come marching up like that?"
"Why didn't you tell me you were moving to my pack?"
"I only just found out late on Monday! And then I just got wrapped up in other things."
"Right, sure." He doesn't appear satisfied with my answer.
"How'd you find out anyhow?"
"It's just slightly major that another pack member is joining, not a security risk at all." His sarcasm is definitely building, and I definitely prefer the other Magnus - at least he was fun.
"Okay well, what was with that group marching up?"
"They're from the pack, you were missing, then you appeared, they just had to make sure everything was in order, nothing suspicious."
"I guess your doing that for them now huh?" I questioned.
"Someone has to, figured it'd better be me. What were you so wrapped up in for two days? And what was with that dickhead Liam kid, he was also missing?"
"He was training and going through shit with his parents, so was Noah, I went into the wrong place at the wrong time, they mistook me for someone else."
"Then what?" Magnus narrowed his eyes at me.
"I was put into this room to wait, I fell asleep, when I woke up they let me leave, misunderstanding."
"You were asleep for two days?" He asked, skepticism literally dripping off.
"No, on Monday night I went to Noah's, he wasn't in, so I waited in his room, then fell asleep. I woke up the next day, then went snooping around. When I was caught in the wrong place. I fell asleep Tuesday night, I'd guess. Wednesday was me finding Liam. He was going through a rough patch so we went to mine were he cleaned himself up, rested, Noah came over, we talked, they went home, I cleaned myself up. Happy?!"
"No. This wrong place wrong time, where was it?"
"Funny how you talk about pack security when you just asked me some very private information about significant members of my pack."
"Yup well they won't be you pack for much longer."
"...You should know Magnus, Liams not the only dickhead here... in fact you may be well on your way to catching him up." With that I spun on my heals, head held high, striding back to the bench where my friends waited.

Okay so maybe I feel a little guilty for being rude, but he was strutting off so much attitude, it was practically irresistible to respond - call me immature.

Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm doing at the moment, I shouldn't even have to worry about this moving packs thing, nope. I've been secretly planning. My future that is. I'm gonna leave this pack, or any other pack I'll have to temporarily join; I'll become a rogue of sorts. Not the wild type, or the ones that never shift from their wolf, or the mad ones. You see you can get different types of rogues, or just Solivagant's , it sounds harsh but that's what I want. A Solivagant is Latin for a solitary adventurer, someone who wanders or travels the world alone - in my case someone who leaves their pack, no matter the reason, they live and do what they want, exactly like a normal person, except they can shift. The title of this life - Solivagant , is rather deceiving, you can meet with nearby packs, introduce yourself, get friends, you can do whatever job you want, find or create your home, live wherever, free to make friends and get in relationships which aren't overshadowed by the mate deal. That's the type of life for me. When I've finished school here, I'll either take out a gap year for travel, or go straight on to University. I haven't quite decided what my course will be, or where to go. But at least I have the basic infrastructure sorted. I think anyway.

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