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It's been more than a month since the incident between Ruby and Kelly.

Dad is back from his trip,and mom is gonna go for her scan in a few days.

"I knew you'd ace it,Ace" Kelly says to Ace who smiles at her for her clever word play.

"You did?" Ace asks

"Yes. You've been studying hard the past few months" she says and he grins.

"Yes,Ace. You deserve that B" Dante adds as we all walk to class.

We get to class,and Kelly sits next to me.

"Do you have an extra pen?" She asks me and I chuckle.

"Always" I say and hand it to her.

"I love you,Jason," she smiles and I hold on to her hand, caressing it.

"Really?" I ask her trying to process what she just said.

"Yes. Don't ask again or I'll change my mind" she teases

"Well," I smile. "I love you too. I always have. I've just been trying to convince myself that I don't" I say to her.

"Please, don't leave me like every other person did," she whispers and scoots closer to me. "I actually need you" Ruby says.

"Jerk!!," Dante's voice yells from downstairs and I jerk awake. "We're leaving"

I rub the back of my hands on my eyes and I groan, throwing one of my pillows across the room.

"Stupid dream!" I yell getting up.

When I get downstairs,Dante has a puzzled look on his face.

"What happened up there? I heard you yell" he says and Ace nods in agreement.

"Nothing," I say with my lips in a straight line. "Let's go"

"Jason,would you talk already?" Dante says as Ace leaves us to have some fun.

I sit on the empty couch,and Dante sits next to me.

"I said nothing happened,just leave it" I reply

"Stop being a coward. Talk already"

I stare at him, contemplating on whether to tell him. If I do, he's just gonna tease me, he'll laugh about it and we'll move on.

"It's Ruby,dude. I see her everywhere. Even in my dreams. I don't like her,but why do these things keep occuring," I say. "I'm going crazy"

"No you're not," he chuckles and I know he's lying. "When last did you see her?"

"Two days ago" I shrug.

"What exactly happened in the dream you had? Because you were cranky immediately you woke up".

"She told me she loved me,then she moved further to tell me not to leave her like everyone else did," I sigh. "Who are the people? Why did they leave her?"

"Don't overemphasize on dreams. Dreams are stupid" he says as he takes a sip of some Chapman a guy just handed to him.

"Whatever" I say as I lean into the couch.

"Don't be a sour sport,dude," he chuckles. "Have some fun, that's what we're here for"

"You can't leave" I say to dad

"I know I shouldn't,but I'll be back," he says looking at the tv. "It's for work"

"Damnit!," I yell and he looks at me with surprise. I hastily regret saying that to my dad,but I really don't care. "It's like you don't care about us anymore. You're consumed with work"

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