Luka - Wishmaker

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All my life I have wondered why people do an obviously bad deed and lie, why not everyone follows the good principles and so there would be no rift. But now I understand why people lie and why sometimes it is the better decision not to speak the truth.

Every person has his reasons and, above all, the right not to tell the truth. I cannot expect a person to tell me the truth, no matter how much it interests me. People, on the other hand, can't expect me to tell them the truth either.

And as much as I hate to admit it, it was better that I lied today too.

Because sometimes with a lie you can give your loved ones safety, security and satisfaction. Above all, you can protect them by keeping them from the truth. What I couldn't understand then, I understand now. Marinette did nothing but give me the shelter I needed.

That' s why I am all the more glad to give these things to my loved ones.

I am glad to be able to give this safety, security and satisfaction, above all this protection to Marinette.

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