Intruder: how about we go to the training pods first? It's safer if you beat us up in them.

H: Training pods?

Intruder: they pull you into a simulation where you will be alive in the case of death.

H: just like a sleepwalker program...

Gager: a what?

H: get in. We'll continue the training inside of these things.

We all entered separate pods and closed them. Some green light was scanning me until I passed out. I was now in some sort of facility. It reminded me of the old sleepwalker programs doc put me through.

The ringleaders were also in the room.

H: let the training begin... Intruder you're first task is to kill me.

Intruder: okay? Let the show begin!

She pulled out a minigun and startet to let bullets rain towards my position. I pulled my katana out and started to deflect the bullets back at her.

The bullets pierced her skin and she started to bleed. She dropped her minigun and started to charge at me.

When she got in range she tried to hit me but I redirected her momentum by flipping her over my shoulder.

H: are you even trying?

She got back up and got into a defensive stance. Well normally I counter attack but a little bit of aggression won't hurt.

I charged at her and dropkicked her away. She stumbled back a bit but was still on her feet. I quickly got back up and dodged under a swing from Intruder. I pushed her to the ground and jumped on her neck. She stopped moving.

H: insufficient.

We waited a few seconds and Intruder respawned.

H: who's next?

Intruder: how unfortunate. You really are a strong fighter Hank. And that was a big improvement from our first fight.

Architect: that was... AWESOME!

H: experience is the best teacher and I asked who's next.

Gager: can you like train us before you beat us up?

H: fine... rigorous physical training first. Alright ladies, one hundred push-ups now!

They got into position and started to do them but this isn't going to cut it.

H: Do it with your knuckles!

They all got into position. And now their knuckles were on the floor. They might not look like it but their crazy strong. Not being limited by your humanity has its perks. Architect grunted loudly as she was getting into position.

H: what's the matter? Too hard for you?

Architect: no! No! I can do this all day!

H: good. Then let's do something about that.

I walked over to her and pushed her back down with my foot. Surprisingly she still managed to push herself up.

Architect: why are you always bullying me?!

She pouted while she said that.

H: because fuck you that's why!

The training continued for some time until I thought that it was enough.

H: alright that's enough.

They stopped what they were doing and now walked back to me.

H: doc would have killed you by now but you're lucky that I'm not doc. Now we're going to work on your combat effectiveness... Can I spawn enemies or something?

Madness on the Frontline (Girls frontline x madness combat)Where stories live. Discover now