Johnny Martin

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It was another night of drinking in England.You sat having a drink while music played and soldiers danced with local women.You thought most of the Sargents where gonna be dancing with some girls but you happened to noticed Johnny sitting by himself with a pint.As he turned , he made eye contact with you.He smirked and stood up.'Crap , is he coming over' you thought.He pushed his way through the crowd. "Y/n" he smiled sitting down."Johnny" you smiled back."I thought you'd be up dancing , you always say you love dancing" he questioned while drinking his pint."I've just not found someone to dance with to be honest" you said putting your pint down."and what about you huh , basically every man in the company has been chatting up some girl , but you , your sitting with me" You smirked."Well the girl I want , I don't know if she likes me " he muttered.

You sighed and then continued to smile.You put your hand out."Come on , lets dance" you smiled.You stood up as he took your hand."Of course" he smiled.He pulled you closer to him as you merged into the crowd.His hands rested on your waist.He smiled softly as you both felt eyes turn towards you both dancing."What's got you blushing hmm" he smirked.You tried to hide it as he smirked but it didn't work to well as people started talking about you and him dancing.His grip slightly tightened as more people started dancing."You look very nice tonight , did anyone tell you that" He said brushing his lips against your ear."No one has actually but thank you" you smiled.You looked into his eyes as they softened as the beat slowed down.His hands moved around your waist ever so nicely.Johnny looked over to some of the other men who from the corner of his eyes could see them silently cheering him on.He had really liked you for a while but didn't know how to tell you.He loved how you could be so stern yet you where soft and gentle when comforting people.He especially loved your eyes , he fell for them every time.

He decided that now was his chance , his chance to have you all for himself.He slowly leaned down to kiss you.His lips met yours sooner than he had thought.It shocked you slightly at sank into it softly.Cheers then abrupt from tables.He broke the kiss as you hid your face into his neck slightly."How bout somewhere more private huh sweetheart" he smirked.He took you out of the pub and somewhere special as he had said to you.He took you to a feudal to watch the sun set with you.He the pulled you into his lap to kiss you more."So , where were we" he smiled before you kissed him again."My girl" he muttered during the kiss.his hands gripped your waist.Your hands cupped his cheeks as his lips devoured yours intensely."I could get used to this" he smirked as you lightly slapped his shoulder.He gave you one last quick kiss."You still wanting that dance huh Johnny" you smirked."How could I say No to that" he smiled.

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