Johnny martin

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Johnny was over out of view from the others.He was worried.Bull hadn't returned with the rest , he was scared he was gone.Now from the first time you met Johnny , you knew that he always put the lives of others as a top priority , always before himself.You on the other hand , have been his girlfriend since toccoa and always tried to make sure he was doing okay and just tried to make sure he was up to speed in health and what not.Being a medic and all , it was your job.

You had noticed Johnny had distanced himself from the group a bit.You went over to try and see what was wrong.You where walking towards where he was pacing back and forwards."Johnny" you said softly as you got closer to him."Mhm" he said still pacing."Can you just listen for a couple minutes please" you said putting your hand on his shoulder.He shuffled his shoulder get your hand off."I couldn't even get bull back safely y/n along with others, what am I supposed to do" Johnny said."Johnny , your a great Sargent , you tried your best, you always do" you said as he stopped pacing finally."How can I be a good Sargent when I'm scared y/n" He said."It's okay to be scared Johnny , hell everyone is , look at what we've all been through , look at what me and you have been through" you exclaimed."I mean you've got a point love" He said with a slight crack in his voice."Come here" you sighed pulling him closer by the collar and kissing him softly.He melted into the soft kiss and held your waist."You know I'm glad your mine cause I'd be really struggling without you" Johnny smiled."Don't thank me , your the one who makes good choices" You smiled as you ruffled his hair about as a smile you loved broke out on his face."Theirs that smile I love" You said.

"Come on , let's go back over" You smiled.Johnny nodded and surely enough followed you back over as he joined some of the other men.He gave you a quick kiss before joining the other men.Like usual there was the yelling of encouragement from the men to kiss you more but you learned to roll it off.A jeep rolled up soon enough and there was a sudden amount of chattering and gathering.Bull had made it back. "Bull" johnny yelled out soon enough as he saw bull.You felt glad knowing that Johnny was happy seeing a friend return.You went over to see Bull to make sure he didn't have any injuries."Good to see you back bull" you said."Good to see you doc" bull smiled.

Johnny was walking towards you as you sat in the grass waiting for orders.He sat down next to you."Hey sweetheart" he said."Hey" you smiled."Thanks for comforting me earlier I was just worried" he sighed."It's okay , your always their for me" You smiled.He smiled back before taking your hand.

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