Chuck grant

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"Your over reacting it's people that you know for god sake" Chuck yelled."It's not my fault I feel like this , you think I wanna have anxiety Chuck huh ?!?!" You yelled back."Yea well you don't need to have a breakdown when there's literally a room full of people who you've known for years" Chuck said."You never get it Chuck you don't know how it feels to have an anxiety attack" you yelled back to him with tears in your eyes."Yea well your dragging me away from everything because you won't even tell me what's up you won't even speak to me anymore" Chuck said."YEA MAYBE BECAUSE I KNOW YOU'LL MAKE IT WORSE BY YELLING AT ME CHUCK" You screamed in his face as you then left the building to be on your own.

(That night)
Shivers went down your spine as another chill went over lay there wanting something warm to cover and your boyfriend Chuck had an argument a few hours and hadn't really spoken about it.He hadn't realised he had taken all the covers leaving you all cold.You shuffled about a bit trying to keep warm but wasn't working.

You couldn't stop shivering.You decided to get up and shut the open window before you got more cold.You shut the window."Leave it open" Chuck said."I'm literally freezing my ass off cause your literally hogging all the covers" you exclaimed."Well it's not my fault you decided to bloody have a nervous break down earlier or we wouldn't be in this mess" Chuck Snapped at you."Right sorry for have an anxiety attack that I can't help Charles" you said.Chuck's heart dropped. You only called him Charles when he really messed up.You lay at the edge of the bed as Chuck lay there worried that you would leave after what yous has both been through together.

After you fell asleep , Chuck turned around and wrapped you in his arms under the covers."I'm sorry baby" he whispered.he felt terrible for the way he acted earlier.'Christ she is really cold' he thought.He placed a kiss on your head before he fell asleep.Everything seemed to stop when you both at ease again with each other.

As you woke up in chuck's arms , you felt comforted. You tried to get your way out but he wouldn't let go."Your not going any little lady" Chuck said groggily.You sighed and wrapped your arms around his warm , toned body."your so warm it's nice" you yawned.Chuck smiled and kissed your forehead."I'm sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have yelled at you" Chuck said."It's okay , I wasn't very good at communicating about it" you said kissing his chin.

Band of brothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora